
LTE Business card

The idea is - a business card which is pre-programmed and will call to the business owner and you can talk from business card itself.

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A business card which will call to the owner like phone and you can talk with owner as it has GSM, mic, speaker and programmable button. form factor is 90mmx50mmx~5mm.

Main controller is ATtiny85-20s which is connected with serial port to LTE IC - quectel ec200u. Owner's number can be hardcoded in attiny's flash to call the owner. there is 1 push button connector to attiny which can be programmed as you want. Mic -4013SMTis placed on pcb and for speaker 8ohm 0.5W will be soldered on pcb with wires. Sim connector is 6 pin. this is my first project on and have not tested it physically but i have worked with components in another projects so it is possible in theory. i hope you like it and give suggestions to improve it. in future we will try to make it physically. 

kicad_pcb - 591.45 kB - 05/16/2024 at 07:07


kicad_sch - 246.50 kB - 05/16/2024 at 07:07


Comma-Separated Values - 1.49 kB - 05/16/2024 at 07:06


  • 1 × ec200u -quectel lte IC LTE module
  • 1 × attiny85-20s Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 2 × SP0502BAJT esd 2ch
  • 9 × capacitor 33pf - 0201SMD
  • 1 × capacitor tantalum 100uf 16V EIA-7343-15

View all 21 components

  • costing estimation

    Sandeep Singh05/16/2024 at 07:34 0 comments

    costing estimate:  

    In India if order individual components  - around 18-20$ usd

    for one pcb maximum - $5  

    I have not build it physically yet.

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