
The World's Simplest Hack: iPod Party Amplifier

A speaker system for any mobile device.
No tools, parts or tinkering necessary.

Similar projects worth following
Instantly turn a cassette player into a power amplifier for (almost) any headphones device.

Just press the PLAY button from the cassette player, then place the headphone bud on the cassette player head. You may also want to press the cassette player PAUSE button, in order to spare the pinch roller.

Now, you have a power speakers system for your mobile device.
No tools or tinkering necessary.


System design:

3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • 1 × Stereo Cassette Player
  • 1 × Mobile device with bud headphones (preferably iPod nano 3G with original headphones)
  • 1 × Planet Earth Gravitational Field (DISCLAIMER: IT MIGHT NOT WORK FOR OUTER SPACE !!!)

  • Progress log entry #6

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 06:12 0 comments

    A "System design document" added

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Progress log entry #5

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 06:05 0 comments

    Video added - amplify YouTube music

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Progress log entry #4

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 04:36 0 comments

    As Adam Fabio noticed, there might be a concern related to the "connected" portion of the contest. Thank you for pointing it out. My interpretation of the "connected" request was that the mobile device is connected to the boom-box, using the electromagnetic field generated by the ear bud. Indeed, this is an analog connection, not a digital one.

    That is why, a new video for the same idea will be uploaded, this time using a digital mobile phone connected to Internet.

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Progress log entry #3

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 04:20 0 comments

    Some people may consider this hack too simple. Indeed, it's dead simple but effective, that is why I share the idea.

    For those who appreciate a more elaborated project, please visit my HaD projects:

    A good candidate for complexity and dedication might be this one:"XOR-Hobby",-a-Vintage-Z80-Computer-Prototype

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Progress log entry #2

    RoGeorge08/21/2014 at 04:10 0 comments

    There was a request to have at least 4 entries in the log. Since I don't remember the deadline for the 4 entries, I will add them, just in case.

    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

  • Progress log entry #1

    RoGeorge06/15/2014 at 14:24 0 comments

    The iPod Party Amplifier was built, then tested:


    • It connects old and new technology.
    • Works as expected on Earth.
    • Reuse of an old stereo.


    • Might not work in outer space.


    • Total success.


    3D Printing AVR Arduino Art Audio Automation BeagleBone Bluetooth Cameras Clock Drones Environment Hardware IoT LED Medical Music Radio Raspberry Pi Remote Control Robotics Rockets Satellites Science Security Software Virtual Reality Wearables

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Please watch the video from the DETAILS section of the project, and do the same.

View all instructions

Enjoy this project?



Geoffrey McRae wrote 08/08/2022 at 14:13 point

I love it, especially since the tune was instantly recognisable (obviously stock audio but still)


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Morning.Star wrote 03/27/2017 at 16:16 point

You have got to be kidding lol. Genius hack, sir. :-)

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Tim Anthony Manuel wrote 03/28/2016 at 04:57 point

wow! this really made my jaw drop. should've known <goes to storage room to look for old cassette boxes>

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Srinivas Nistala wrote 02/21/2016 at 13:52 point

Great Hack, and it would have been more useful if I would have known this trick a few years ago.

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Scott wrote 01/26/2016 at 01:17 point

this takes me back , i wish i saw this way back when disk-man was a new thing . back then i had to hack a old tape player head and cassette to make a adapter that can now be bought in dollar store.  but man i never thought to just jam a head phone rite in there .. brilliant hack !   

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danjovic wrote 01/26/2016 at 00:40 point

Superb Hack!! Something like that never went through my mind, I'm dumbfounded!

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DeepSOIC wrote 08/24/2014 at 16:04 point
The magnet in a headphone will attract to ferromagnetic stuff in the head, so "Planet Earth Gravitational Field" is not obligatory =). You made my day!

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/06/2014 at 19:39 point
You are my hero.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 06:13 point
Thank you

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Marius Popescu wrote 07/24/2014 at 19:42 point
Nice idea! Seems that I'm not the only ro around :))

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 06:14 point
Thanks, I appreciate your projects too, good luck with the contest!

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Gabriel wrote 07/23/2014 at 21:58 point
Mind blown...

So simple, yet brilliant. Skull for you my friend.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 06:19 point
Glad you like it, thank you!

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Frolix wrote 07/05/2014 at 04:20 point
ive got several boom boxes that just got a second lease on life

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carbohydrates wrote 06/27/2014 at 17:05 point
Quite possibly the lowest effort entry on the site.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 11:25 point
Thank you!
Yes, simplicity is the main claim here. That is why I consider this one much more elegant compared to my other projects posted on HaD like:

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spikemtz wrote 06/27/2014 at 00:17 point
Electromagnetism kicks ass...

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Adam Fabio wrote 06/19/2014 at 04:45 point
hey - who said a project has to be complicated to send you to space? Thanks for entering your party amp in The Hackaday Prize!
Don't forget about the connected portion of the contest - you might use an iPhone instead of an iPod.
Our community voting will be starting soon, so try to put a few updates up.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 06:17 point
Just posted a new video with a mobile phone instead of an iPod, in order to be more connected.

Thank you.

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PointyOintment wrote 06/15/2014 at 18:18 point
I decided to skull this based solely on seeing the title and picture in the grid of projects. Very clever.

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 06:17 point

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