
Nudge - Always Within Reach

A light-weight, affordable wristband to maintain connection with the ones you love without verbal communication or cell phones.

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Everyone has issues communicating, but it becomes significantly harder when you can't use your voice. Sign language was developed, and it effectively bridges the gap for those who can't speak or hear. However, it requires line of sight, which is hard to constantly maintain.

While my wife and I were waiting in line to check in at the airport, there was a couple in front of us. As they struggled to get each other's attention to add another piece to the conversation, I knew this wasn't an uncommon problem, even worse with children!

Enter Nudge! A small Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wristband with just a button and vibrator. After pairing Nudges together, pushing the button on one Nudge will vibrate the other Nudge.

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