
Reflow Soldering Hotplate

Metal Ceramic Heater (MCH) hotplate.

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The device heats an MCH plate along the reflow soldering temperature curve.


The device heats an MCH plate along the reflow soldering temperature curve.

  • Requirements pt1 - High-level System (WIP)

    Devin03/30/2024 at 13:15 0 comments

    Project Goals

    1. A usable hotplate reflow soldering station
    2. Practical experience with:
      1. USB-PD
      2. Displays (e.g. TFT)
      3. HMI beyond basic pushbuttons (e.g. haptic knobs or touchscreen, even keypads)

    High-Level Requirements

    1. A user must be able to reflow solder a one-sided PCB with pre-pasted, pre-placed standard* SMD components.
    2. The user must be able to control the reflow thermal profile for different paste liquidus temperatures.
      1. The user should be able to control the rate of temperature increase to prevent thermal shock.
    3. The user must be able to supply power with a USB-C cable (via USB-PD).
    4. The  system must provide the user some visual indication of:
      1. the thermal profile used
      2. the progress, stage, and/or time of a running reflow process.

    *Standard SMD components meaning SMD components that have pads on only one-side (Top), lay flat on the PCB, have no special thermal considerations, and no other special reflow/soldering requirements.

  • Core Component Selection Notes

    Devin02/09/2024 at 12:48 0 comments


    x CH552 

    STM32G031J6 (link): no USB, 8pin package

    STM32F042F4 (Link): USB2.0, 1x 12bit ADC

    Temperature Sensors

    P0K1.232.6W.Y.010€ 6.08
    / 1
    € 3,32
    / 1ku
    € 2,81
    / 1
    € 1,34
    / 1ku
    € 1.42
    / 1
    € 0,589
    / 1ku


    MCH selected. Its purchasable in various sizes, voltage/power ratings.

    A 50mm x 50mm 24V 70W MCH was purchased as a sample from AliExpress

  • Research - Other Reflow hotplates

    Devin02/09/2024 at 11:52 0 comments

    Toby's Automatic MCH PD Reflow Hotplate

    (tindie, git-imuslab,, CH554 SDCC)

    A USB-PD powered metal ceramic heater (MCH) based reflow hotplate.

    Key Features:

    • USB-PD
    • MCH
    • Fully automatic (and any changes requires reprogramming the IC)

    System Info

    ControllerCH552G (Arduino Programmable)
    Power InputUSB PD 20V 3A
    (60W / 65W PD power supply recommended
    Interface1 button
    Press and hold to start
    Profile Changereprogram over USB


    Hotplate TypeMCH (Metal Ceramic Heater)
    Hotplate Size 40mm * 40mm (± 1mm)
    Hotplate Power Consumption30..50W

    Temperature Sensor

    Temperature Sensor100k 1% Thermistor
    Temperature Sensor (Controller)ADC on-board MCU (8bit)


    • CH552G 
      • 8bit MCU (16pin)
    • IP2721
    • TPS259261
      • 12V eFuse protection switch
    • AO3400A
      • n-channel MOSFET 30V 5.7A 1.4W


    • 4p (2x2) 100mil "PROG1"
    • 2p 100mil "SENSOR"
    • 2p screw terminal 5.00mm
    • 3p 100mil

    ICs Not Shown

    Unlisted part

    • 2-wire 100k 1% Thermistor
      • with 1k at 240° and a 100k NTC at 25° (utils.ino) --> Beta ~4000
    CH552G schematic
    Toby's Automatic MCH PD Reflow Hotplate CH552G schematic

    IP2721 schematic
    Toby's Automatic MCH PD Reflow Hotplate IP2721 schematic

    Solder-Reflow-Plate by AfterEarth

    (github, homepage)

    A 12V barrel jack powered PCB hotplate.

    Key Features:

    • PCB heater
    • OLED display

    System Info

    ControllerATmega4809 (Arduino)
    Power Input12V 5A Barrel jack
    Interface2 pushbuttons and OLED
    Profile Changepushbuttons (select Zone temperatures)
    Temperature is displayed during cooling


    Hotplate TypePCB trace resistors
    Hotplate Size 70mm * 50mm (± 1mm)
    Hotplate Power Consumption~30W

    Temperature Sensor

    Temperature SensorLMT85LP (datasheet)
    Temperature Sensor (Controller)ADC on-board MCU (10bit)

    Note: the temperature range of the LMT85LP is limited to 150°C.

    Solder-Reflow-Plate schematic

    Solder-Reflow-Plate schematic

  • Research - Reflow soldering

    Devin02/09/2024 at 09:28 0 comments

    Reflow Zone

    Reflow soldering can be divided into several Zones:

    Zone / Ramp to ZoneTemperatureSlopeTime
    Ramp to Soak20°..soak1..3°/s
    Soak150° (typ.)
    Ramp to Reflowsoak..230-250°1..3°/s
    (Liquidus + 20-40°)
    Cooling230-250°..75°-2..-10°/s (-4°/s)15s..90s

    During the reflow process, the most important factors of each zone are:

    • Temperature: too low and nothing happens, too high and undesirable things happen.
      For example, during in the thermal soak zone, solder paste volatiles are removed and the flux is activated. 
      • Too high a temperature can cause solder splattering, balling, oxidation of the paste/pads/component terminations.
      • Too low a temperature and the fluxes are not activated nor are the volatiles removed.
    • Slope: heating causes thermal stress. Heating too quickly can lead to thermal shock and cracking. This is less important during cooling although it still has an impact on quality.
    • Time: the effects of each zone take time to occur.

    Reflow Process Evaluation

    Electronics Manufacturers evaluate their processes using PWI (Process Window Index) with 4 primary metrics:

    • Slope
    • Soak Time Between lower and upper soak bounds
    • Peak Temperature
    • Time above Liquidus (TAL)

    PWI can be considered in future (possibly).

    (reflow soldering wikipedia) (IPC-7530) (Tronstol)

    Reflow soldering thermal profile
    Example of reflow soldering thermal profile
    Typical Process Window
    Typical Process Window for Reflow soldering

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