
Flower Of Light

Endless Mirror Flower of Live

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Just a "small" (well, 90 cm diameter ^^) project with WS2812 stripes (60LEDs/m), arduino and some lasercut materials. It consists of a baseplate out of finn cardboard, with flower-formed channels where the LED stripes are hidden, above mirror plate with insterted difusse acrylic. After some distance holder rings (made out of cardboard again) the top spy mirror plate follows. The sides are afterwards covered with a real stone verneer (Slatelite) for nicer look. Arduino & power supply at the back for testing (with the ColorPalette demo running from the FastLED library). Next steps: mapping of the pixels and doing real animations.

  • 1
    Make it

    Building was actually less complex than it might look like, just stack a bunch of lasercut pieces of cartoon, mirror/spy-mirror/diffuse acrylic, with a  bunch of WS2812 strips behind and finally some Slatelite stone verneer for decoration - Short building instruction can be found here. The fun part with mapping starts is still going on.

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Alan Green wrote 07/17/2019 at 00:09 point

I just showed my significant other the video, and she was slightly impressed, as it's hard to make out the scale of it from the video. Then I showed her it was a coffee table and she said, "want! want! want!". 

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JanThar wrote 07/18/2019 at 10:57 point

Hehe, that's nice, actually the table function was just a solution for not having  a wall mount at a fair, might need a stronger top plate ^^.

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Ken Yap wrote 07/18/2019 at 11:30 point

Story continued...

"You have modest wants!"

"It's just an echoey room echoey room echoey room."


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Mike Szczys wrote 07/16/2019 at 21:37 point

Nice! You should embed that test video in the details section. Seeing the color patterns move, and watching the reflection change with camera angle adds a lot of dimensions to this build.

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JanThar wrote 07/18/2019 at 10:42 point

Good point, and done (and thanks for the hint and the nice comment)

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