
DIY spider with waste circuit board

This article is about the recycling of circuits board. Most electrical appliances have circuit boards. It is a easy and interesting action.

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Most electrical appliances have circuit boards. Have you ever thought to create some interesting items?
Most electrical appliances have circuit boards. Have you ever thought about taking out the discarded electrical circuit boards and turning them into valuables? ~ Hand-made small DIY spider models using circuit board components, simple and fun, one Get up and try~~~

Step1:Prepare material

The following picture includes the materials we need in this process such as a circuit board from a broken computer, and some other tools. The broken board includes lots of components that one of called NE555P. If you found it in this process, do not throw it and maybe it can be used in another circuit.

The easiest circuit board is probably from an old computer.

step2: Use electric welding to melt the tin plating on the circuit board.

Step3: Take down the electronic components as completely as possible and divide them into categories such as ballast resistor in a led circuit, or a map sensor in a car,

Step4: Let's start production, prepare the required electronic components.

Screw the electronic components straight.

Spell out a rough shape.

Step5: Then use electric welding to solder the electronic components.

Step6: Then solder a large electronic component on one side of the centerline and a small one on the other side.

Finally, draw the eyes on the small electronic components, and the cute little spider is finished.

  • Finding the Materials

    RachelAnne09/08/2021 at 09:07 0 comments

    The first day, I went to the second-hand store and brought a broken computer. I took it to my house and start cleaning it.

    Thrift Stores in San Diego: The Best Thrifting & Consignment StoresI did not start this project until the second as I have no enough tools to finish this project .

    Therefore, I  contracted one of my mechanic friends and borrowed tools from him.

    Top 26 Most Useful Tools for Every DIY Auto Mechanic to Own

    On the third day, I finished this project and  share it with my family.

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