
TensorFlow Lite - Magic wand

The microcontroller is turned into a digital "magic wand" by the user to wave and cast a variety of spells.

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The microcontroller is turned into a digital "magic wand" by the user to wave and cast a variety of spells.

BW16 is a dual-frequency Wi-Fi + Bluetooth SoC module developed based on RTL8720DN. It supports dual-frequency (2.4GHz or 5GHz) WLAN and low power Bluetooth 5.0; and integratesARMV8 (Cortex-M4F) high-performance MCU, ARM V8M (Cortex-M0) low-power MCU, WLAN (802.11 a / b / g / n), MAC, Bluetooth and RF baseband, and provides a set of configurable GPIO ports for the control of different peripherals.

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  • 1 × BW16
  • 1 × •Adafruit LSM9DS1 accelerometer

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