
Kemitron Computer

As I collected parts for my Interak Computer project, I gained a few Kemitron Computer cards. But what is a Kemitron - could I build one?

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I recently obtained a handful of Kemitron Computer cards. They could be the basis of a project to build one, if only I knew what one was!

Initially, this project will try to discover what the Kemitron computer was, and what I have. Then we'll see what happens from there. I'm hoping someone with knowledge of the Kemitron will stumble across this project and be able to add to what I know so far (which isn't much!)

I don't even know which Kemitron my cards are from, as I have identified at least three different models.

It seems the small UK manufacturer Kemitron produced at least three Kemitron models: The 2000 Series, the 3000 Series and the Solo. My cards look to be the correct size for the Solo, but of course I've never seen the other models.

As I find more information, I'll add it into the respective project log.

  • Kemitron MZB-3​ Card

    Will05/25/2023 at 12:51 0 comments

    In my collection of Kemitron Computer cards I have an MZB-3 card. This is a Z80A CPU card and well documented as it is also used within the Interak computer system. The only apparent difference to the Interak card (other than the Kemitron logo) is the Boot ROM contents will likely be different.

  • Kemitron OP-3 Card

    Will05/25/2023 at 12:28 0 comments

    In my collection of Kemitron Computer cards I have an OP-3 card. I have not investigated further but a cursory glance would suggest it is an output card with relay control.

  • Kemitron SIO4 Card

    Will05/25/2023 at 11:36 0 comments

    In my collection of Kemitron Computer cards I have an SIO4 card. I have not investigated further but a cursory glance would suggest it is a serial I/O card based around the AY-3-1015D UART.

  • Kemitron 2000

    Will05/24/2023 at 11:38 0 comments

    The 1986 PhD Thesis from Loughborough University, that provides the specification for a K3000, also refers to the use of a K2000E.

    From the reference, something of the K2000E specification can be inferred:

    Processor:  Z80 (as Z80 Assembler is used).

    RAM: Unknown.

    Storage: Unspecified size Floppy Disk Drive.

    Interfaces: P.P.I. Interface. Expansion slots for I/O cards. (RTC and 16-channel, 12-bit ADC fitted).

    OS: Unknown but CP/M assumed. (MBASIC used).

    There is also mention of a Kemitron ADA-5 Card – a bidirectional 12-bit DAC and ADC, which is likely the ADC in use.

  • Kemitron 3000

    Will05/24/2023 at 11:11 0 comments

    I managed to find the specification of a Kemitron K3000E, in a PhD Thesis from Loughborough University, where a K3000 was in use in 1986.

    Processor:  Z80A, 4MHz.

    RAM: 64K RAM.

    Storage: Dual 8” DS/DD Floppy Disk Drives.

    Interfaces: Expansion slots for I/O cards.

    OS: CP/M 2.2.

    The Kemitron 3000 series appears to have used the same processor as my Kemitron MZB-3 CPU card, but the form factor is unknown. Dual 8" Drives would require a large(ish) case though.

    Some further detail is provided in the September 1979 issue of "Practical Computing" which has an article focussed on Kemitron Electronics. The article describes the Kemitron UBS 3000 as having a modular construction with the option to plug any of a number of cards (Processor, RAM, CPU, etc.) into the system bus. The article also suggests a variety of processors might be available.

  • Kemitron Solo

    Will05/24/2023 at 10:39 0 comments

    This is the only Kemitron model of which I have a picture, and in fact a full advertisement with specification. (Advertisement from "Electronics and Wireless World", April 1985 issue.)

    The specification of the Kemitron Solo is:

    Processor:  Z80A, 4MHz.

    RAM: 64K, expandable to 128K.

    Storage: Single 300K Floppy Disk Drive, Second Drive optional. Optional RAM Disk.

    Interfaces: Dual RS232. Five Expansion slots. RS422 and IEEE interfaces optional. Analogue and Digital I/O cards also available.

    OS: CP/M 2.2.

    The fact that it had a RAM Disk is unusual, and cutting edge for the time - no doubt driven by its principle use of high-speed laboratory data collection.

    It is difficult to say from a picture, but the expansion slots could be for International Sized Cards (4.5" x 8"). This could be the computer I have cards for!

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