
Wiring (Part 1)

A project log for MacroPad With Tile Buttons

As a quick follow-up to my “A Tile Based MacroPad” I present an alternative.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 10/11/2023 at 22:250 Comments

I decided to take a break from making tile holder buttons and start wiring everything else.  I started by adding a little power bus (a couple of bare 22 AWG wires) between the pro Micro and CD4067BE 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer. Then I wired the 4 outputs from the pro Micro to the channel select inputs of the multiplexer and the multiplexer output to an analog pin on the pro Micro. I used 28 AWG wire for all connections.

I inserted the eight Fubata MD-4PCS switches and wired one lead of each to ground. Then I wired the buttons to the 2-9 IO pins of the pro Micro.

Here are all the connections so far.

Arduino pro MicroCD4067BE MultiplexerWire ColorOther
VCC+5VRedAlso powers the sensors.
GNDGNDBlackProject Ground
A0Common Input (Read the channel selected by S0-S3)White
I/O Pin 2-9GreenButton 1-8
I/O Pin 15S0 (These four outputs select which of the 16 analog channels to read.)Blue
I/O Pin 14S1Blue
I/O Pin 10S2Blue
I/O Pin 16S3Blue
GNDE (This is an inverted chip select pin.)Black

When I finish the tile holder buttons I'll wire the rest.
