
Adding DiskII, Grappler+(printer) and SuperSerial/Wifi Interfaces

A project log for Apple][+ Homebrew Clone for Baffa-2 Project

Apple][+ running on Baffa-2 Homebrew Microcomputer.

augusto-baffaAugusto Baffa 12/12/2023 at 19:440 Comments

At the end of last October, I requested the slot expansion that allows me to connect apple2 cards to my project. However, the versions of boards compatible with the baffa-2 bus that I ordered in mid-November arrived much earlier. This sometimes happens, thanks to Brazil's inefficient postal service. The boards I ordered in October sat idle for a month for no apparent reason... (and are still in delivery on dec 12).

The good news is that the 3 boards made for the baffa-2 bus have been tested and are working: DiskII Interface, Grappler+(Printer) Interface and SuperSerial/Wifi Interface.

Disk II Interface

Using DiskII Interface

Printer Interface

Serial/Wifi Interface

Accessing  "" (Apple][ compatible BBS)
