

A project log for Commodore CHESSmate Reproduction

The plan is to make a reproduction of the dedicated chess computer CHESSmate released by Commodore in 1978.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 12/20/2023 at 15:260 Comments

My CHESSmate arrived. It took about eight days from the UK. Not bad. The package was very well wrapped. Kudos to the seller.

After removing the packaging, I was surprised to see how good the box looked. Sure it's a bit banged up, but remember this CHESSmate is 45 years old.  

No I did not rip the box apart ;-) I took pictures of all sides of the box and put together this exploded view:

As you can see the features are listed in English on the top and bottom, German (where CHESSmate was very popular at the time) on one side, and French on the other.

More surprises when I removed the CHESSmate from the box.

Both the original cardboard insert and users manual were intact. Bonus. And it keeps getting better.

The CHESSmate itself is in great shape. 

Next Steps

Well I would like to power up the unit, but before I do I will need to get a 10V 600mA power supply with a North American plug since it looks like the one it came with is 240V only. Also need to find a matching plug to connect to the CHESSmate (wish me luck).

Of course before I apply any power to the unit I will take it apart and check the PCB for corrosion and bad electrolytic capacitors. Stay Tuned.
