
Could someone help me with this wifi minicam

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So i am trying to figure out what's the name of this kind of prototype pcb from china that has access point mode and it used to run with some kind of server in the BTCAM app, now has other names, before i could see the video live through the app from cellular or other networks, now i cant anymore it only works on home network and direct wifi access. How do i connect to it like the ide from Arduino or some other software? And how can i make some kind of server or access to the camera like my own communication app like WiFi serial monitor ? I m a noob guys I still have no bases so it's a bit complicated and here I am asking who knows better! i have a Arduino uno r3 and I also got my hands on some electronic shelf price tags I d like to know how I can connect them properly and use them specially, I also post the pics maybe someone is interested and helps me out. Till now I only find some cool guy who managed to flash them with some firmware and it works but is another brand .

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