Introduction / Overview of the device to be hacked

The pressure monitor consists of 2 devices.

The first device is installed on a DIN-rail and includes the power supply and a relais to switch of the ventilation system. 

The second device consists of 2 parts, that work more or less independent. Part 1 is just a small PCB that is hidden in the wall. It has the sensor for pressure and a connection for a Pt1000 that is applied to the pipe between oven and chimney. 

The second part (of device 2) has a touchdisplay and is installed near the oven. By design it is assembled in the same housing as Part1. 

All of these devices communicate via CAN-Bus, so i attached an additional device to this bus to read out all these values. 

The goal was twofold:

1. get the information about switch off of the ventilation system to also switch off the fume hood.

2. get the information about the oven being fired to get a feeling how often i use the oven in the winter

(3. because i can)

Understanding the communication

First step was using an oscilloscope to determine a) which is can-high and can-low and b) determine the baudrate.

Using some Raspberry pi can hat, the following settings need to be done:

ip link set can0 type can bitrate 125000
ip link set up can0

 by using "candump -a any", the following can be seen:

  can0  28A   [8]  55 68 26 04 05 06 07 0D   'Uh&.....'
  can0  28A   [8]  00 16 80 13 00 00 00 0D   '........'
  can0  28A   [8]  01 C4 07 78 0A 01 00 0D   '...x....'
  can0  28A   [8]  09 6E 86 00 00 00 00 0A   '.n......'

The CAN communication is all done on the same ID 28A.  It comprises of 4 conescutive messages. The first and last bytes are used for signalling. 

The first message begins with 0x55 to determine the the start of the sequence. After that, the first byte is used as a multiplexor for the messages. The last byte tells us if there are more messages (0x0D) or if it is the final message (0x0A).

With this information, the bytes can be put together in a bigger array to go hunting for the information.

Since the display of the LUC2 shows all of the information (some in sub menus) and some can be changed by just using the oven, determining which bytes contain which value was relatively easy.

Code for using the information

import can                                                                                               
import struct                                                                                            
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt                                                                          
def parsemsg(data):         
    outdata = []               
    msgid = 255                                     
    if len(data) < 6:                          
        return outdata, 4         
    for i in range(6):  
    if data[0] == 0x55:                             
        msgid = 0                                 
    if data[0] == 0:          
        msgid = 1                                   
    if data[0] == 1:        
        msgid = 2         
    if data[0] == 9:      
        msgid = 3                  
    return outdata, msgid             
def concatdata(data):                                                                                    
    payload = []                      
    for msg in data:            
        for i in msg:    
    return payload                            
data = []                     
raw = []                                                                                                 
for i in range(5):                                                                                       
mqttc = mqtt.Client()                                                                                    
mqttc.connect("", 1883, 60)                                                                
count = 10                                                                                               
tempfilter = 0                                                                                           
for msg in bus:                                                                                          
    payload, msgid = parsemsg(         
    if msgid <=4:                                   
        while len(data) <= msgid:  
            dummy = []                                                                                   
        data[msgid] = payload                                                                            
    raw[msgid] =                        
    if msgid == 3:                                  
        # ende                                      
        rawdata = concatdata(data)                  
        # nur die nutzdaten 
        # alles, incl header, footer, sonstiges
        complete = concatdata(raw)
#        print(complete)
        if len(rawdata) >= 24:     
            temp = rawdata[8] + (256 * rawdata[9])
            tempfilter += temp
            count = count -1
            if count == 0:
                count = 10
                druck = rawdata[6] 
                if rawdata[7] == 0:                 
                    druck = druck * -1
                    hochdruck = (rawdata[7] - 128) * 256                                                 
                    druck += hochdruck
                druck = druck/10
                mqttc.publish("/druckwaechter/druck", payload=druck)                                     
                tempfiltered = tempfilter / 10
                mqttc.publish("/druckwaechter/temperatur", payload=temp)                                 
                aktiv = rawdata[16]                                                                      
                mqttc.publish("/druckwaechter/lueftungaktiv", payload=aktiv)                             
                zeitinaktiv = rawdata[17]                                                                
                mqttc.publish("/druckwaechter/zeitinaktiv", payload=zeitinaktiv)                         
 offsetdruck =...
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