
CM4 WIFI Issues

A project log for Bootstrap 3D Printer

Bootstrap: A large volume 3d printer that can be built at home without requiring any custom 3d printed or machined parts.

es-pronkE/S Pronk 04/25/2024 at 22:250 Comments

There were some issues getting the WIFI to work using the default rpi-imager path. I had to use an ethernet cable to connect to the pi and run `sudo nmtui` to set up the WIFI connection.

I proceeded to install all necessary applications using kiauh

Installing Klipper on the Manta M8P

I'm using the guide provided here

cd klipper
make menuconfig

produced an error regarding an unsupported locale. I tried setting my locale with

sudo raspi-config

  but that did not fix the error. export LC_ALL=C

export LC_ALL=C

 did seem to fix the error.

The rest of the documentation seems fine and got me to a working install. Printer is reporting errors, but that's because it's not configured yet.
