
4x4 RGB LED Cube

This project is based heavily off AsherGlicks Charlie Cube. It uses a different construction method to achieve the same outcome.

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This project is based heavily off AsherGlicks Charlie Cube. It uses a different construction method to achieve the same outcome. Instead of using additional supports the LED legs are used as the primary structure.
See the links for all the basic info on how the hardware and software works.
  • 64 × RGB LEDs Common Cathode
  • 1 × Perfboard/Prototyping board
  • 1 × Arduino Pro Mini 5V Or any other similar microcontroller
  • 1 × Patience
  • 1 × Set of steady hands

  • Cube in Action

    Michael Vowles03/16/2015 at 12:54 0 comments

    Here is a demo video of the cube in action. I couldn't get the lighting right to make it any clearer. However I'm sure you get the idea. There are the following animations.

    -Chase the dot

    -Planar Spin


    -Shifting boxes

    -Colour fade


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  • 1
    Step 1

    All instructions are identical to here with the following exception. Instead of using additional supports I have just used the LED legs for the primary structure on the "spires". I found this was much easier to put together than having to hold other pieces of metal in place.

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