

Small Satellite Cluster to Observe the Earth

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This project concerns spacehack. We plan to build a cubesat cluster.

Cubesats can successfully be used to generate information relevant to both science, and policy making, a prime example thereof is Quakesat : (This is not to claim that these cubesate *solved* the questions around ELF signals, but to indicate that the generated *relevant data*)

Our satellites will do the follwoing things :

1. Establish a swarm in orbit, and manifest swarm intelligence
2. Monitor Atmospheric Aerosols, in differnet bands (BAnd filter selected by swarm intelligence)
3. Orbit informations will provide geodetic information, e.g. dedicated study of Earth's rotation (possible application of swarm intelligence)
4. Parallel to these, intensive atmospheric sounding flights will provide truthing values

This will be a 6 CubeSat system each CubeSat will be 1/2U in size for a total of 12 cubestats to act within the swarm.

The mission of this swarm sat cluster is to: return of Aerosol optical parameters and geodetic parameters and thus not only we are resolving the vertical areosol load profile (which is actually well known) we will accomplish 4 other objectives:

1. Track how a particular aerosol mass propagates (one way is to monitor the same footprint by a few devices looking at a few angles, and seeing if a identifiable aerosol mass changes its shape / distribution, and looking at the nighttime emission of the same place)

2. using that tracking of mass propagation, we want to see how they are redistributing the solar radiation load - that is if aerosols generated over china transport the solar radiation they receive near the tropics toward the russian siberia

3. Observe the atmospheric response to this phenomenon

4. Observe any geodatic parameters can have an effect on aerosols

  • 1 × JESD204B Evaluation Platform This will be a good interface for the scientific measurement block.
  • 1 × CS-SBAT2-10

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shane kirkbride wrote 05/27/2015 at 01:59 point

The mission of this swarm sat cluster is to: return of Aerosol optical parameters and geodetic parameters and thus not only we are resolving the vertical areosol load profile (which is actually well known)  we will accomplish 4 other objectives:

1. Track how a particular aerosol mass propagates (one way is to monitor the same footprint by a few devices looking at a few angles, and seeing if a identifiable aerosol mass changes its shape / distribution, and looking at the nighttime emission of the same place)

2. using that tracking of mass propagation, we want to see how they are redistributing the solar radiation load - that is if aerosols generated over china transport the solar radiation they receive near the tropics toward the russian siberia

3. Observe the atmospheric response to this phenomenon

4. Observe any geodatic parameters can have an effect on aerosols

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