
Digital Typewriter

A raspberry pi based digital typewriter for distraction free writing. Project is inspired by the alphasmart neo2, but a bit more advanced.

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I write a lot:

I wanted a distraction free digital typewriter with nice clacky mechanical keys and a thin wide screen. I built this funky thing with a raspberry pi running the software focuswriter and libreoffice.

It's made out of plywood and I rapidly realythat carpentry is hard, so I covered the lopsidedness and stray nails with decoupage.

It can save/load easily, and I can transfer files easily with a USB drive.

It's fun to write with and works as intended.

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Adam Blumenberg wrote 6 days ago point

thanks for asking! This was a really fun project to build and the best part is I've actually been using it! Here are the highlights of the parts list:

Waveshare 11.9inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD

MageGee Portable 60% Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Baseus Power Bank, 65W 20000mAh Laptop Portable Charger

chenyang CYFPV Micro HDMI to HDMI Male Extension FPC Flat Cable 0.5M

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Cullen wrote 05/11/2024 at 12:11 point

Hi!! Love this build. Any chance you could share the components you used? Display and keyboard specifically but also battery? And did this build require any soldering? I want to build something similar but don’t love the idea of soldering anything lol.


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