

Radio telescope design & build project

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This page chronicles my personal project of designing and constructing a radio telescope to study the universe, mirroring the endeavours of NASA. It serves as a platform to share design milestones and experiment results achieved through this telescope.

Design and build the radio telescope around already existing technology. Learn and experiment with it, and get some scientifically interesting results.

Automate the data collection process. Make the radio telescope usable remotely with good reliability.

Remove part of the already-made technology, design and implement my own radio telescope hardware, and compare the results with the previous technologies.

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What's this?

Welcome to my project, Polyphemus.

As you might guess by the title, here I publish all advancements made while building my radio telescope, a device scientists use to study the Universe in a different spectrum than the visible one.
For example, the most common use for this instrument is to get signals and data on the presence of hydrogen atoms in the Milky Way, our home galaxy.
This is possible because those atoms can emit a particular radiation at a frequency of about 1420MHz, which my telescope can capture and process.


First of all, I've been passionate about physics, engineering and astronomy since childhood and taking on engineering/scientific challenges has always been a great way for me to learn new things.
Secondly, I've been using my regular Newtonian telescope for a couple of years now, and the feeling you get when looking at the universe is just amazing. So, why not try to take another look, but in a different way?
This idea does not just come from nothing... Lately, I've read this really interesting paper called "Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope" from NASA dated April 1998, where lots of physics behind radio telescopes is explained.
These factors made me think I could build such a thing... so I started!

  • First picture time

    Leonardo3 天前 0 comments

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to let you know that starting tomorrow I'll start collecting data for creating my first image of a part of the MIlky Way, the Perseus Arm.

    Stay tuned.

  • 24 hours experiment concluded!

    Leonardo6 天前 0 comments

    Hi everyone,

    I just uploaded the report on the 24-hour experiment where my radiotelescope gathered data for an entire day, achieving really good results.

    In the report, you can find insights on the new code I wrote for data analysis.

    Go here to read the complete report.


  • Data gathering time

    Leonardo05/19/2024 at 20:45 0 comments

    Hi everyone,

    just another quick update.

    I've been experimenting with the radiotelescope and writing some interesting code to collect data autonomously over time.
    I already have some really good results! I will share them as soon as I write the complete report.

    Additionally, I wrote an interesting algorithm to process the data and remove most noise; it works like a charm.

  • First results!

    Leonardo05/08/2024 at 13:47 0 comments

    Big news today,
    I just published the first results obtained with the radiotelescope.
    Please read the article here, it's fascinating.

  • Coding update (problems)

    Leonardo05/06/2024 at 17:01 0 comments

    Just a quick update on the software side.

    Although the code I published a few days ago is okay for displaying spectrum analysis results in other applications, my research and some testing have led me to conclude that that code is not useful in the field of radio astronomy. This is because it lacks some fundamental functions to obtain meaningful data during the pointing of astronomical objects, including:

    • the ability to measure background noise and subtract it from subsequent measurements.
    • the ability to integrate a series of measurements to obtain more averaged data with less interference/noise and, likewise, with amplified and visible signal peaks (what we want to see).

    I am currently developing another code, which I will publish in the coming days. Stay tuned.

  • Antenna feed is ready

    Leonardo05/06/2024 at 16:54 0 comments


    In the last few days, thanks to my father's help in soldering and assembling the device, the feed antenna for the parabolic dish is ready.


    The feed antenna consists of a can-antenna made of a copper cylinder with a depth of 304mm and a diameter of 145mm. Additionally, at 101mm from the bottom of the cylinder, there is a straight copper wire with a length of 52.8mm (the actual antenna wire).

    This design was created using this online tool (link here), in order to have a central frequency of 1420MHz, a lower cut-off frequency of 1212MHz, and an upper cut-off frequency of 1582MHz.

    So, besides being centred on the frequency of the Hydrogen Line, it should also serve as an initial filter for the radiations we don't want to analyze.

    Finally, an SMA connector was soldered to enable connection with a 50ohm coaxial cable to carry the signal from the feed antenna to the LNA and RTL-SDR.

    Finally, in order to position this feed antenna above the parabola in the focal point area, an aluminium disk was fabricated to support the copper cylinder and to be connected to the 3 arms of the parabola typically used for satellite LNB connection (approximately 45cm above the bottom of the dish).

    The aluminium ring allows adjusting the height at which the cylinder is suspended. My idea (to be verified) is that by lowering the feed antenna slightly below the focal point level, thus sacrificing some gain, the beam-width of the antenna becomes narrower, allowing me to aim more precisely at small astronomical objects.


    • Soldering the copper cylinder.
    • Soldering the SMA connector to the copper cylinder without damaging the connector.

    Why a can-antenna?

    This is a question I began asking myself right from the start and delved into further during the design of this feed antenna.

    Firstly, the design solutions for a feed antenna typically involve horn antennas and patch antennas. Patch antennas are generally more challenging to fabricate at home without manufacturing errors significantly compromising performance. Horn antennas are also the most common type for these applications (just look at satellite LNB images), so my design would have followed that path.

    Some online resources, particularly an intriguing video by Neptunium, showed how it was possible to use a cylinder instead of a horn for the feed of a parabolic antenna, possibly sacrificing some performance, but the compromise was entirely acceptable.


    ( ! )  This setup is temporary, not the final design of the whole system.

  • Another coding night

    Leonardo04/30/2024 at 12:23 0 comments

    Just a quick update.

    New Python code to display spectrum also with a heat-map.

    from rtlsdr import RtlSdr
    from matplotlib import mlab as mlab
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import os
    from tkinter import *
    GAIN = 4
    SAMPLE_RATE = 2.4e6
    DATA_RES = 128
        sdr = RtlSdr()
        print("Error: cannot initialize the SDR device")
    print("Insert initial frequency [MHz]: ", end="")
    CENTER_FREQ = int(input())*1e6
    print("Insert final frequency [MHz]: ", end="")
    END_FREQ = int(input())*1e6
    sdr.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE
    sdr.center_freq = CENTER_FREQ
    sdr.freq_correction = F_CORRECTION
    sdr.gain = GAIN
    garbage = sdr.read_samples(DATA_RES * 1024)
    step = 2.5e5
    half_step = step/2
    center_f_arr = []
    n = int((END_FREQ - CENTER_FREQ)/step)
    def getdata():
        pow_arr = []
        freq_arr = []
        for k in range(0,n):
            sdr.center_freq = CENTER_FREQ + (step*k)
            center_f_arr.append((CENTER_FREQ + (step*k))/1e6) #save the central frequency for later
            samples = sdr.read_samples(DATA_RES * 1024)
            power, psd_freq = mlab.psd(samples, NFFT=1024, Fs=sdr.sample_rate/1e6)
            psd_freq = psd_freq + sdr.center_freq/1e6
            for i in range(0, len(psd_freq)):
                if psd_freq[i] < (sdr.center_freq+half_step)/1e6 and psd_freq[i] > (sdr.center_freq-half_step)/1e6:
            if(len(freq_arr) > 536870000):
                print("Fatal error: trying to store too much data")
        i = 0
        for e in freq_arr:
            if e in center_f_arr:
                pow_arr[i] = pow_arr[i-1]
                pow_arr[i+1] = pow_arr[i+2]
                pow_arr[i-1] = pow_arr[i-2]
        return freq_arr,pow_arr
    #ask for data
    freq_arr,pow_arr = getdata()
    #create 2d map
    mappa = [[0 for x in range(len(pow_arr))] for y in range(len(pow_arr))] 
    for i in range(0, len(pow_arr)):
        for j in range(0, len(pow_arr)):
            mappa[i][j] = pow_arr[j]
    f, axarr = plt.subplots(2)
    axarr[0].plot(freq_arr, pow_arr, color="green")
    c = axarr[1].imshow(mappa, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest',origin ='lower', aspect='auto')

    Output plot:

  • Coding night

    Leonardo04/26/2024 at 21:25 0 comments

    Just a quick update here.

    I've been messing around with the RTL-SDR Python Library to get some readings from the SDR dongle.

    In the end, I managed to make the first version of code that takes two frequencies as inputs, and after some time shows me the spectrum results gathered between those two frequencies.

    The code has been developed to remove the typical "central frequency spike" caused by the 0MHz reading and to be as flat as possible between multiple readings, which is necessary because one reading only has 1MHz of bandwidth.

    from rtlsdr import RtlSdr
    from matplotlib import mlab as mlab
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import os
    	sdr = RtlSdr()
    	print("Error: cannot initialize the SDR device")
    print("Insert initial frequency [MHz]: ", end="")
    CENTER_FREQ = int(input())*1e6
    print("Insert final frequency [MHz]: ", end="")
    END_FREQ = int(input())*1e6
    GAIN = 4
    SAMPLE_RATE = 2.4e6
    DATA_RES = 128
    pow_arr = []
    freq_arr = []
    # configure device
    sdr.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE
    sdr.center_freq = CENTER_FREQ
    sdr.freq_correction = F_CORRECTION
    sdr.gain = GAIN
    garbage = sdr.read_samples(DATA_RES * 1024)
    step = 2.5e5
    half_step = step/2
    center_f_arr = []
    n = int((END_FREQ - CENTER_FREQ)/step)
    #init loading bar
    bar = "["
    for i in range(1,n+1):
    	bar = bar + " "
    bar = bar + "]"
    #main loop
    for k in range(0,n):
    	sdr.center_freq = CENTER_FREQ + (step*k)
    	center_f_arr.append((CENTER_FREQ + (step*k))/1e6) #save the central frequency for later
    	samples = sdr.read_samples(DATA_RES * 1024)
    	power, psd_freq = mlab.psd(samples, NFFT=1024, Fs=sdr.sample_rate/1e6)
    	psd_freq = psd_freq + sdr.center_freq/1e6
    	for i in range(0, len(psd_freq)):
    		if psd_freq[i] < (sdr.center_freq+half_step)/1e6 and psd_freq[i] > (sdr.center_freq-half_step)/1e6:
    	string_list = list(bar)
    	string_list[k+1] = "="
    	bar = "".join(string_list)
    	print("Frequency: ", end="")
    	if(len(freq_arr) > 536870000):
    		print("Fatal error: trying to store to much data")
    i = 0
    for e in freq_arr:
    	if e in center_f_arr:
    		pow_arr[i] = pow_arr[i-1]
    		pow_arr[i+1] = pow_arr[i+2]
    		pow_arr[i-1] = pow_arr[i-2]
    plt.plot(freq_arr, pow_arr)
    plt.plot(END_FREQ/1e6, 0.005)  #noise visual filter

     It's just a very alpha version of the code and needs a bit more work, but for now and for some early testing, it's enough.

  • New RF components

    Leonardo04/26/2024 at 11:16 0 comments

    I wanted to give you a quick update on the radio telescope development. 

    I've just received some new RF components that I'll be installing over the next few days.

    These comprehend:

    • Various SMA cables and connectors
    • Noolec SawBird+ H1 LNA
    • RTL-SDR Blog V3 (should be here tomorrow)

    Also, I started designing the Feed Antenna of the dish. Basically, a can-antenna
    designed to have a lower cut-off frequency of 1212MHz and an upper cut-off
    frequency of 1582MHz.
    [link to the design tool]

    Noolec SawBird+ H1 LNA
    Nooelec SAWbird+ H1 is a SAW Filter & Ultra-Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) Module for
    Hydrogen Line (21cm) applications with a center frequency of 1420MHz.
    Some key features of this LNA are:
    • +40dB of RF gain at 1420MHz
    • 0.8dB noise figure at 1420MHz
    • +3.3V-5V single supply

    If you don’t know what an LNA is you should check out this link. I will upload a more detailed document in the “Insights” section of the repository on GitHub where I’ll talk about LNAs.
    [link to this LNA datasheet]

    RTL-SDR Blog V3 

    The RTL-SDR Blog V3 is a key component in our project setup. It's essentially a software-defined radio  (SDR) dongle built around the Realtek RTL2832U chipset. 

    Widely adopted by hobbyists and professionals, it serves a range of purposes, from radio monitoring to spectrum analysis and amateur radio activities. 

    Its affordability and compatibility with open-source software make it an ideal choice for my project's needs. I will post more insights on this device as the project evolves. 

    My idea is to write Python code to read data from this dongle to enable more interesting data processing.

  • Assembling the parabolic antenna

    Leonardo04/26/2024 at 11:02 0 comments

    In the past few days, I've had the opportunity to order online and then assemble
    the parabolic antenna for the radio telescope. It has a diameter of 1.2m, a
    depth of about 20cm, and therefore, a focal point height of approximately 45cm.
    The antenna was sold with a simple aluminium stand on which to mount the dish and
    which allows for adjusting the antenna's pointing angle.
    The only thing is that it's not sold together with its metal LNB Holder ring. No
    big deal though, because it's a piece I would have built anyway in order to
    accommodate my custom receiver (Feed Antenna) which will then receive the
    amplified radiation from the dish.

    Why a parabolic antenna?
    Unlike other types of directional antennas, such as Yagi antennas, these allow for the amplification of a much wider signal band.
    This will enable the radio telescope to study other astronomical frequencies in the future, as well as the Hydrogen Line. Moreover, this type of antenna guarantees a high amplification factor while still maintaining relatively small dimensions.
    This one, in particular, is a primefocus parabolic antenna, meaning that the focal point of the antenna (where the receiver will be positioned) is at the central position.
    More commonly seen are offset parabolic antennas, where the focal point and LNB are at the bottom of the antenna. However, these are more difficult to point towards a particular target.

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