
Switcher: Managing unmanaged switches

Goals is to provide high quality network switching with existing low cost hardware, moving from hack to sustainable legacy free solutions.

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The idea is to modify existing network switches with a control interface and use the regular user space utilities to manage the switch.
With the advent of the Distributed Switch Architecture (DSA) in the Linux kernel, a broad range of switch cores are supported and could potentially benefit millions of network switches out there.

On display is the Netgear GS108 switch, but many others models could follow the same upgrade pattern.

The general approach is:
- Modify switch and hookup an USB interface module.
- Install the needed kernel modules
- Use the switch with the networking tools like 'iproute', 'bridge', 'ethtool' .... for configuration.

Most of the engineering efforts have already been solved by the Linux community.

People are welcome to collaborate and bring their own hardware.
Minimum requirements:
- Inquisitive
- Passionate about high quality networking

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