
Attaching to Fabric

A project log for Wake Up and Scream

A wearable sculpture constructed from old student clickers.

eddieEddie 12/19/2023 at 22:370 Comments

I decided to just use velcro to attach all the components to fabric panels that I then pinned to a dress form I made.  I opted for this because hand sewing is not a strong skill I possess. 

As is usual my math was off and we ended up only being able to use 48 of the 100 student clickers we modified.  At least they're all done now so it would be easy to use the others for new projects.  

This was the final panel.  You might notice two black modules that are also on the panel.  I realized that I could add a jumper to 0 and 1 on the Arduino so that I could use them as output pins to control two piezo speakers to add a clicking effect when the clickers type. 
