

I am Ashim and I'm giving a go at building robots.

Kathmandu, Nepal
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This user joined on 04/29/2014.

Things I've Built

Nano Rover

A tiny little robot that has plans to follow a line or solve a puzzle and makes noises using a DBX05A buzzer


A Wireless Security Surveillance Rover. Will track objects and stream live images through a smartphone-based IP camera.

Lambo 2WD - A Sumo Robot

A 2 Wheel Drive Sumo Robot under construction.

A 4 Servo Biped

A 4 legged robot that strolls around performing its embarrassing moves. A bit wobbly at the moment!

Insect Bot Mini

An Insect Robot made using 2 9G servos ; A conqueror of my bed!

MBB - Micro Beetle Bot

Avoids obstacles, follows lines, and might solve mazes someday. Uses a tiny micro-controller, the beetle, from DFRobot.

BTB - An Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Buzzes along avoiding obstacles using an ultrasonic sensor


Detects objects, outputs the distance onto an LCD Screen

PID Based Line Follower

A robot that chases down a line pretty fast. Uses a PID algorithm coded into an Arduino. Motors are micrometal gearmotors, and sensors are reflective IR array sensors, both from Pololu..

Maze Solving Robot

A robot that solves a non-looped line maze using a TCRT 5000 IR array sensors, geared motors, and an Arduino.

Analog Line Follower

A simple micro-controller-less line following robot using an LM324 comparator and L293D motor driver

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