Build Something That Matters - Competition Summary
In 2014 we launched the Hackaday Prize to an enthusiastic community of engineers, scientists, designers and creatives everywhere. Fast forward to 2016 and The Hackaday Prize has become a competition synonymous with creating for social change in only 2 short years.
In 2015 we challenged our community to use their superpowers to make something ambitious. The results were fantastic. Using your hardware, coding, scientific, design and mechanical abilities, you came up with solutions that made big changes in people's lives.
In 2016 we're challenging you again. We're asking for solutions to address technology issues facing humanity today. With a new technical design challenge every 5 weeks, you are expanding the frontiers of knowledge and engineering. Design an impactful project that suits you, or collaborate with someone else to do it. With our global collaboration platform, your project can be moving forward at all hours of the day. Create things like a better radiation monitoring system, a better calorimeter, open source instrumentation, digital logging scales and exercise trackers.
We’re starting off with an Idea Slam, where you can submit a Design Concept. Then we give you 4 more Hackaday Prize challenges to run with. These 5 challenges run in serial (one after the other) and each challenge lasts just 5 weeks. Big things start with just an idea, and if you want them to, concept drawings can bring in collaborators.
20 projects will be chosen from each of the 5 rounds, and awarded $1000 per project.
At the end of all 5 rounds, 100 projects in total will advance to the finals, where 5 will win $150k, $25k, $10k, $10k and $5k. In addition the 1st place project will win a residency in the Supplyframe Design lab to develop their project further.
Where do I go to see the winners of each round and the finalists? Thank you.