Brian Lough will be hosting the Hack Chat on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at noon PST.
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Brian is a relative newcomer to the hardware hacking scene. Educated in Electronic and Computer Engineering, Brian is a software developer by trade who became enamored of Arduino development when the ESP8266 hit the market and offered incredible capabilities on the cheap.
Since then, Brian has fully embraced the hardware hacking way, going so far as to live stream complete builds in a sort of collaborative "hack-along" with his viewers. He's also turned a few of his builds into legitimate products, selling them on his Tindie store and even going so far as to automate testing before shipping to catch errors and improve quality.
Please join us for this Hack Chat, where we'll discuss:
- How software hacking leads to hardware hacking;
- The creative process and how live streaming helps or hinders it;
- The implications of going from project to product; and
- What sorts of new projects might we see soon?