
Hack Chat Transcript Part 1

A event log for Bitluni's ESP32 Video Tricks Hack Chat

NTSC, PAL, and VGA for Espressif Microcontrollers

lutetiumLutetium 03/27/2019 at 20:100 Comments

bitluni11:39 AM
what is the KiCON?

bitluni11:39 AM
KiCAD convention?

morgan11:39 AM

KICON 2019

Home - KiCon 2019

KiCon is a KiCad user focused conference.Held for the first time ever, April 2019 in Chicago IL.

Read this on KiCon 2019

bitluni11:40 AM
any hints what you project is about

bitluni11:40 AM

bitluni11:41 AM
all the cool conventions are in the US. I'm already saving vor the flight to the next supercon

morgan11:41 AM
yeah! supercon is the best

morgan11:41 AM
hint: 3D PCBs

morgan11:41 AM
and dying batteries

bitluni11:41 AM

morgan11:42 AM
oh, and spooky noises if I can figure out i2s

bitluni11:42 AM
just take the example form the esp32 docs

bitluni11:42 AM
there is everything how to play sounds over i2s

bitluni11:43 AM
all the code works from arduino as well

bitluni11:44 AM
Ask Dan Maloney he is also working on a super secret audio project :-D

morgan11:45 AM
yeah I've got that stuff working, I can play samples, but I'm trying to push into tone generation and/or sequencnig of some sort

morgan11:45 AM
chip tunes, effectively

bitluni11:46 AM
did you see my old videos by any chance?

bitluni11:46 AM
I build an arduino midi device with some sinthesis

bitluni11:46 AM
adsr etc

morgan11:47 AM
oh cool, I'll check that out this evening

bitluni11:47 AM
the pov light saber project I did for electromaker has also the hum synthesized

David Galloway11:48 AM
Has anyone done bluetooth MIDI out of an ESP32? I'd like to make a wireless MIDI device using my ESP32.

bitluni11:48 AM
that was necessary since the pitch is controlled by the accelerometer

bitluni11:49 AM
@David Galloway that would be an awesome project. windows doesn't support bt midi

bitluni11:49 AM
that was the reason I didn't look into that yet

David Galloway11:49 AM
Oh that's too bad. I am also on Windows.

bitluni11:51 AM
maybe that changed since the last time I checked

bitluni11:51 AM
I bought the midi keyboard that support bt and found out that way

morgan11:53 AM
No MIDI for me yet but a lot of BLE lately

morgan11:53 AM
I've been putting the NiBLE feature branch through its paces

bitluni11:54 AM
are you doing it on the esp32? which lib are you using for ble?

sfrias111:55 AM
Hi everybody. From Tarragona, Catalonia (ES)

morgan11:55 AM
@bitluni yes, there's a new NiBLE feature branch now

David Galloway11:55 AM
Here are the specs. From a quick search it looks like some manufacturers are writing their own Windows drivers (Korg).

Dan Maloney11:56 AM
Hola, @sfrias1

bitluni11:56 AM

morgan11:56 AM
way easier to use than the Bluedroid stack

morgan11:56 AM
uses less resources in addition

bitluni11:57 AM
can't find NiBLE

morgan11:57 AM



Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32. - espressif/esp-idf

Read this on GitHub

bitluni11:57 AM

morgan11:58 AM
provides the port but the API is plain nimble

bitluni11:58 AM

Niek van der Maas joined  the room.11:58 AM

sfrias111:58 AM
NimBLE. ;-)

bitluni11:59 AM
need that for some game controllers, mouse and keyboard

morgan11:59 AM
me too, I'll be building a controller in the very near future

morgan11:59 AM
I'm plan to copy this controller,

morgan11:59 AM
but replace the arduino/nrf with an ESP32

Dan Maloney12:00 PM
So it looks like we're well underway - I'll have to dial back a ways to capture all this good stuff for the transcript. But let's call an official start to the ESP332 Video Tricks Hack Chat with bitluni. He's already online and chatting, but when you get a chance, can you tell us a little about your background?

bitluni12:01 PM

Nicolas Tremblay joined  the room.12:01 PM

bitluni12:01 PM
I'm 39 years old and a coder since the early ninties

bitluni12:02 PM
computer graphics was always my thing

bitluni12:02 PM
I was active in the demo scene under the nickname lunatic

bitluni12:03 PM
then like 10 years ago i started tinkering around with electronics

bitluni12:03 PM
I guess I was always interested in that taking everything apart as a child

Dan Maloney12:03 PM
Sounds familiar...

bitluni12:04 PM
6 years ago I started to build midi organ pedals as a small project

matthijsm joined  the room.12:04 PM

bitluni12:05 PM
since I already have used YouTube to share videos with my family I thought I could document the process and upload some videos on that

bitluni12:05 PM
during that time I was freelancer so I had some spare time to do the youtube thing

Andrej Mosat12:05 PM
Any new musical instrument you have built?

bitluni12:05 PM
I had the mallets bot in the last summer

bitluni12:06 PM
no one has seen that project

bitluni12:06 PM


Dan Maloney12:06 PM
I liked that one! I was just worried the mallets would break the glasses

Dan Maloney12:06 PM
I think we covered that...

bitluni12:07 PM
yes you did but it didn't even pass the 10k views mark

Dan Maloney12:07 PM


The Precise Science Of Whacking A Wine Glass

It's common knowledge that tapping a wine glass produces a pitch which can be altered by adjusting the level of the tipple of choice inside. By filling twelve glasses with different amounts of liquid and tuning them to the twelve notes of the scale, it's possible to make a one-octave instrument - though the speed and polyphony are bottle-necked by the human operator.

Read this on Hackaday

bitluni12:07 PM
the summer was so great everyone was outside :-D

sfrias112:07 PM

Sophi Kravitz12:07 PM
that's super!

bitluni12:08 PM I did some videos aas I grew into that electronics thing

bitluni12:08 PM
it was never considered as a serious busssiness option for me

bitluni12:09 PM
the first years the channel didn't have much attention and while I went developing medical software again the channel took off

andrew.michael.johnson joined  the room.12:09 PM

bitluni12:09 PM
at least a bit

Dan Maloney12:09 PM
When you least expect it, right?

Andrej Mosat12:10 PM
So how did you equip the lab at the beginning? Any advice on the start when you don't have much, only huge plans?

bitluni12:10 PM
I recommend to buy a soldering iron and a multi-meter

bitluni12:11 PM
then get some arduino sensor kits or something to get started

bitluni12:11 PM
my first meter was like 20€

bitluni12:11 PM
the soldering station 100€

bitluni12:11 PM
but I also bought a lot of other stuff like many components

bitluni12:12 PM
nowadays shipping is so fast and everything is so easily available I order parts as I need them

andrew.michael.johnson12:12 PM
So this the right place for the esp32 Video tricks chat?

bitluni12:13 PM
it is, welcome :-)

Dan Maloney12:13 PM
@andrew.michael.johnson - yep! Welcome

Matthijs12:14 PM
What ESP32 projects are you working on now?

bitluni12:14 PM
so backstory final chapter: as my contract on my day job ran out I decided to go YT full time at 17k subs

Dave Blundell12:14 PM
I'm very interested in hearing more about the ESP32 timers. Particularly how fast they can be run. I have a crazy idea to use one for a digital SMPS. Also looking at STM32F334 which has a virtual 4.6Ghz timer that would be ideal, but the ESP32 is so much cheaper.

bitluni12:14 PM
since than I fell in love with the capabilities of the esp8266 and the esp32

bitluni12:15 PM

Andrej Mosat12:16 PM
ESP32 is a SOC, the peripherals do not switch fast, I have been able to do 1/0 switching up to 10MHz, not more, and you want some code in between

bitluni12:16 PM
@matthijsm I'm still working on my esp32 library. I want to unify all the code to get the composite video and vga on one base engine

Dave Blundell12:17 PM
yeah, it's PLLd way up. You cannot output I/O nearly that fast but you get a timer base at 4.6Ghz effectively.

Dave Blundell12:17 PM
I'm looking to be able to have excellent duty / phase control of multiple signals at around 100khz to 1Mhz

Dave Blundell12:18 PM
with decent timer depth / phase control that needs a pretty damn fast base clock

bitluni12:18 PM
that should be possible with i2s

andrew.michael.johnson12:18 PM
I do a lot with drone racing and been wanting to do something with the ESP8266 and a RX5808 SPI controllable 5.8ghz analog video receiver. I was looking at the arduino libs for NTSC output and realized it might be possible to do more than just change the channel via wifi (which is my biggest PITA) ie channel scan and spectrum analyzer etc. So that is my main interest at the moment.

Dave Blundell12:18 PM
where is best place to get good ESP32 peripheral docs?

bitluni12:19 PM


Peripherals API - ESP-IDF Programming Guide v4.0-dev-197-gda9096682 documentation

Read this on Espressif

bitluni12:19 PM
also the datasheet is quite informative

andrew.michael.johnson12:19 PM
I just didn't know if they existed or would work due to time on the esp8266's I have..

andrew.michael.johnson12:20 PM
due to timing***

bitluni12:21 PM
I'm not really well informed about the RF stuff :-)

Niek van der Maas12:21 PM
@bitluni is DVI/HDMI output something that you're looking into as well? or simply not possible because of the required clock speed?

bitluni12:21 PM
@Niek van der Maas good question

bitluni12:22 PM
the data rate isn't fast enough for DVI/HDMI

bitluni12:22 PM
there is no way around external components

bitluni12:22 PM
that is actually something I'm looking into right now

morgan12:23 PM
can you explain date rate? I'm guessing that's not just clock speed

bitluni12:23 PM
one option is to use an fpga to "upscale" the signal

bitluni12:23 PM
the other option to use a vga to hdmi converter IC
