we haven't seen any awesome mqtt lib's yet but if you do let us know
@chris - i was able to access adafruit.io from a generic mqtt library from my flutter app.
@happyday.mjohnson for sure, but there are always a lot of things that would be nice to add as well — I'm sure there will be sleep support eventually
@tannewt wrt micropython native code in mpy, are you referring to this PR? https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/4588
happy, we haen't implemented it yet - if you'd like to help out check out the issue and you can try implementing it!
@happyday.mjohnson the answer is not "no", but "not yet"
right now our focus is getting 4.0 out to release candidate :)
@todbot yup!
@deshipu of course - btw, thank you for all the incredible work you have done both on micropython and cp.
@happyday.mjohnson thanks :)
@Dan Halbert thank you. i was just curious given this discussion is about iot, cp doesn't do much for battery life.
Does anyone know of any actually released products that use CircuitPython or MicroPython? Can it translate reasonably well from prototyping to production?
I have implemented MQTT in Visuino, and it is open source
@WRR check out the http://circuitpython.org for a list
is the CP support for the NRF52 based board like particle xenon already mature enough?
yeah there's the TI calculator add on that supprots circuitpython
also - i love the simplicity of Adafruit.io versus offerings from say google.
the TI-83 Premium
TI calc ships with CircuitPython - https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/03/31/use-circuitpython-boards-on-the-ti-83-premium-ce-calculator-tiplanetnews-ticalculators-circuitpython-circuitpython/
has anyone tried the sipeed Maix modules?
Wow, that's cool! Wish I'd had that in my math classes...
OpenMV ?
mitov / Visuino libraries / source / - Bitbucket
Added "Array Insert Items", and "Array Replace Items At Index" components
@Hendra Kusumah we have simple BLE peripheral support working and are working on more; we aren't supporting the particle.io cloud stuff specifically; we have our own Feather nRF52840 board
Are there any good Bluetooth support libraries for the ESP32?
@boian has to be in python :)
I have also added Bluetooth support for ESP32 in the Visuino libraries :-)
@David I haven't but I've seen some folks on the MicroPython forum I think
for micropython, products: casio calc, numworks calc as far as shipping products
Sorry, Python is just not my cup of tee :-D
@Cesos I think BLE support for ESP32 is early days even for Arduino, etc.
@tannewt thanks for the tip.
boian, all good - this hackchat is about python on hardware :D
is there any thought of a debugger for CP?
Im interested in edge AI. Will circuit python support Tensorflow?
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@Dan Halbert thanks for the answer, I don't mind not using the particle cloud service. What Important is the BLE support on CP
@happyday.mjohnson there has been some work on adding debugging support to it
@happyday.mjohnson but I think the person who worked on it paused now
@deshipu what level/type of support?
@David with BLINKA on linux, yep
@david you can run circuitpython libraries within python3 so just add tensorflow next to it. you'll want a fasssst board like the coral
np :-) Just answering the MQTT and BLE questions, in case it helps :-) People can take a look at my code and port to Python if they want :-)
@Dan Halbert Thank you, Dan. It is indeed. Bluetooth remains the only piece missing in a couple of my projects :)
@happyday.mjohnson basically the "pdb" kind
Also, I'm enamored with VS Code. I realize Mu is awesome, but is there anything around integrating the CP toolchain w/ VS Code?
Ooo it'd be neat to see CircuitPython on the new SparkFun Edge board with the Apollo 3 chip that runs TensorFlow
@deshipu thank you. pdb makes sense.
a tensorflow co-processor would be a great addition. but most tensorflow chips are not very port-friendly (no USB)
@happyday.mjohnson implementing pep-0553
@Hendra Kusumah check out https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shared-bindings/bleio/__init__.html for an entry into the low-level library. Also see https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE and https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BluefruitConnect
@deshipu - thank you. i'll look up pep-0553.
do you know of commercial products using circuit python? besides development boards
I'd be interested in seeing circuitpython for ARM on xilinx fpga
then we could make our own peripherals on fabric, and Pynq them in to micropython
ice40 has a tinyusb port working on it, so that could be a target. if anyone wants to help on adding a port, we're psyched to help them!
@David we pick uped the xlinkx pynq-z2
@josejorge scroll up a bit'
thx @deshipu, I'll check
@josejorge I don't know of any "devices" with it. It's not our focus to support them either. MicroPython is more focused "productionization"
I'm teaching elementary school kids programming (as a volunteer)... do you know of any site with cool projects in CircuitPython for kids in 3-4 grade level? any recommendation of what would be the best hardware for that school level?
Do you see any benefit with merging with micropython in the future?
I think the hackaday resident FPGA expert Antii Lukats has a micropython port for xilinx softcores
@delatorrecohen also interested in that
@happyday.mjohnson There are plenty of people already using VS Code successfully with CircuitPython. We aren't working on any changes to it.
@happyday.mjohnson micropython has very different goals
@delatorrecohen yep! check out these - https://learn.adafruit.com/guides/latest
@delatorrecohen the circuitplayground express projects are great for young kids. no soldering. really easy to hack and mod
@deshipu what are the different goals between CP and mp?
@delatorrecohen https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-made-easy-on-circuit-playground-express
circuitplayground (makecode) and the circuitpython projects
we have tons of kids building circuitpython on CPX projecst all the time
I was wondering if there is a way to run a circuitpython board at less 0 degrees C?
Greet! Thanks! :-)
and also add crickit for robotics projects
@happyday.mjohnson we won't rule it out for the future but for now it's better for both projects to be separate
@delatorrecohen & @limor have started using CP w/ young students, they love it.
@delatorrecohen and combine CRICKIT for robotics, works wit both makecode and circuitpython
thanks dan!
@happyday.mjohnson CP tagets beginners to electronics, hobbyists and learning, MP focuses more on industrial prototyping
ICE40 support sounds really cool - how would you port the project to an FPGA, though? Would it need a soft core loaded on it, or are there ICE40s with built-in microcontroller helpers now?
@Charles Burnaford prolly OK to try :)
ICE40 has a USB stack being ported
@WRR I'd assume soft core. (Probably RISC-V)
I will give it a try next winte
there "is" CircuitPython in space... so seems possible :) https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/03/17/circuitpython-in-space-pythonaut-circuitpython-adafruit-maholli404-zacinaction-smallsat-kicksat/
ICE40 is nice for opensource, but I think a bigger FPGA with DSP's make more sense
the fpgas with ARM tend to be pricier
@deshipu oh. thank you. hmmm...i can see why there is a confusion with folks asking about shipping products using CP. If the goals are indeed that, shouldn't the message be learn on CP then migrate to mp?
@David there is a lot of work to support ECP5 and Xilinx 7 series with open tools
@deshipu although it does start explaining stuff like pin.irq()...
@Dan Halbert ,wow ble support is already good. another question, will the bleio implemented on the blinka? I know there are other way to read ble with the Pi but it will be nice if its already in one package with the CP blinka
ECP5 and artix make more sense for sure
ya, that's what I'm excited for
native usb is key for us
@happyday.mjohnson I think it's more "start with CircuitPython, migrate to big Python and other programming languages"
@Hendra Kusumah We'll need to write a wrapper library that implements `bleio` using the available BLE libraries on RPi, so perfectly possible, just not done yet!
@happyday.mjohnson we did not have anything to do with TI choosing CircuitPython for their calcs, they just did it
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