IMPORTANT!! Note the different time to accommodate Akiba's timezone!
Akiba from HackerFarm will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, May 15 at 5:00 PM PDT.
Time zones got you down? Here's a handy time converter!
No matter what your feelings are about the current state of the world, you can't escape the fact that 7.7 billion humans need to be fed. That means a lot of crops to grow and harvest and a lot of animals to take care of and bring to market. And like anything else, technology can make that job easier and more productive.
To test concepts at the interface between technology and agriculture, Akiba has developed HackerFarm, a combination of homestead, hackerspace, and small farm in Japan. It's a place where hackers with agriculture-related projects can come to test ideas and collaborate with other people trying to solve the problems of a hungry world by experimenting on an approachable scale with open-source technology..
Join us this Wednesday at 5:00 PM Pacific time as we discuss:
- Hacking and the homestead;
- How technology fits into agriculture;
- How technology doesn't fit into agriculture;
- The growing digital divide between industrial ag and indie ag;
- How farming makes use of both bleeding edge and old world technology;
- How to grow potatoes;
IOT is such a part of the technology which involves in any of the field in the world. Just like that this is also one. You can also go through for more information.