
Event Pictures - more to come

A event log for Hackaday World Create Day 2017 at THE NEST I/O

EjaadTech is celebrating World Create Day @ The NEST I/O - join us and enter your ideas in the 2017 Hackaday Prize Design Concept challenge!

zaidpirwaniZaidPirwani 04/23/2017 at 07:340 Comments

We started the event at The Nest IO after waiting for some time for participants and to our surprise, there were more parents and kids that joined our event first and then came the other tech people - engineers, software guys and even graphic design artists.

Everyone was told to work on a project to post to

among the projects was a shopping helper drone.

these kids are making picture of a FIGHTING ROBOT, which has a hammer, can fly using fire (rockets) and also has a force field of current around it.
