

A event log for World Create Day / Super Happy Hacker House @ VHS

Vancouver Hack Space will be hosting a meetup for World Create Day as part of our Super Happy Hacker House party.

jarrettJarrett 04/24/2017 at 02:050 Comments

The World Create Day was a pretty great excuse to pair up with out semi-regular event, Super Happy Hacker House.

It's an open house, where everyone can come in, bring a project, talk about things they've done, and then do some lightning talks. Sound familiar?

The day before, there were fantastic stickers sent in by Hackaday (thanks!), and our social lubrication was sponsored by Dominion Cider. In addition to being pretty great tasting, it's owned by one of our members, @Luke Cyca. He uses VHS to build kickass machines that help him out around the cidery, including tons of ESP8266s scattered around for datalogging and machine control. Check out his tech blog, here, it's totally Hackaday-worthy.

Also in preparation, one of the first things that was brought in (also by Luke) was his photobooth. You press the button, it snaps a picture, and adds it to the slideshow shown in the teeny tiny B&W CRT up top.

Pictures from that will slowly start filtering in!
