
World Create Day 2017

A event log for Hackaday World Create Day 2017 at FabLab San Diego

FabLab in San Diego supports Hackaday! Join your local community to enter ideas for the 2017 Hackaday Prize Design Concept challenge

devon-murphyDevon Murphy 05/01/2017 at 16:330 Comments

Fab Lab’s World Create Day event was a great opportunity to meet with fellow hackers and brainstorm up new ideas. Participants broke into small groups to discuss their projects and get advice from other makers on where they should go next with their idea. Our group discussed technological solutions to the problems that people face as they grow older.

Some of our ideas included: An online digital market place where seniors could sell their time to other people who want help or advice. A sensor system embedded in a dementia patient’s home, that would keep track of their activity and help them navigate their house. A pair of glasses that would use speech to text technology to display subtitles from conversations in real time for people who are hard of hearing.

Overall it was a great event, thanks to Fab Lab for hosting and Mariano for organizing the meet up!
