
Hackaday Munich

Workshop and Party to award the 2014 Hackaday Prize

Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:30 pm PDT - Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:30 pm PDT Local time zone:
Munich, Germany
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The Hackaday crew is headed to Munich. We'll be in town for Electronica but have decided to host our own event separate from the conference.

Please join us on Thursday, November 13th, 2014 for an afternoon of workshops, a few talks, the awarding of the 2014 Hackaday Prize, and a party in the evening.

Check out for tickets and details.

This page provides an area for people planning to attend to discuss Hackaday Munich.


12:30 - Doors Open

12:30-18:30 Workshops (Roboto, Moog, Reverse Engineering, Computer Vision)

18:30 - Grab your seat for the talks

19:00 - Talks (Jeroen Domburg aka Sprite_TM, Recap of the 5 Hackaday Prize finalists and awarding of the Grand Prize)

20:30 - The Hackaday Prize Party (DJ Muallem)

Workshop Detail:

Robot Workshop

Moog Workshop

Reverse Engineering Workshop

Computer Vision Workshop

  • Workshop Details: Reverse Engineering

    Mike Szczys11/07/2014 at 17:33 0 comments

    The dark art of reverse engineering runs long and deep. But a core set of skills can be almost universally applied. We've selected the hardware shown above to try out these skills during the Reverse Engineering workshop.

    Click Here to download the Workshop Guide

    We'll leverage the Linksys wrt54g router as a test subject, and use one of our go-to tools -- the Bus Pirate -- to poke at it. Here's what we have planned for the device:

    1. Connect the Bus Pirate to the router's UART to see what information you can get from this digital portal
    2. Intercept the boot sequence
    3. Dump the contents of flash
    4. Dig through the binary dump and see what there is to be found

    Bring your own hardware to hack

    We have a limited number of routers to play with. It would be very helpful if you could look through your junk bins and find some electronics that you'd like to reverse engineer. [Sprite_TM] will be on hand to lend advice to your hacking adventure, as well as to help out those who are exploring what the routers have to offer.

  • Workshop Details: Computer Vision

    Mike Szczys11/07/2014 at 16:56 0 comments

    The Computer Vision workshop encourages you work out how to get a computer to recognize objects in an image. One of the fastest feedback loops for this is to use a webcam and you can see the setup above shows off the core of this workshop.

    Bring your tablet or smartphone

    We will have webcams on hand. Your laptop webcam may also be used. But this will work best if you have a second screen for the camera to look at. Bring your tablet or a smartphone along.


    The beginnings of Computer Vision are all about recognizing patterns. As a working example we suggest building a bot that will play the game 2048 for you. This is pictured above and has several things going for it:

    • a well-defined grid that makes it easy to recognize where the tiles are located
    • Different background colors for different tile values
    Your goals for the afternoon include:
    1. Install OpenCV:
    2. Load up 2048 on your table or smartphone:
    3. Use OpenCV to grab an image from the web cam and recognize where each tile is located
    4. Parse the values of each tile
    5. Write logic that will tell you the best move to make next


    If you're already an OpenCV master and find this too simple, impress us by bringing along your own hardcore examples to work on. Here are some suggestions to get you thinking:
    • Face tracking (easy) and facial recognition (harder)
    • Color tracking (bring along a tennis ball or other object for motion tracking)
    • Handwriting recognition:
    • The options are never-ending.

  • Workshop Details: Moog

    Mike Szczys10/30/2014 at 16:05 3 comments

    Meet the Moog Werkstatt. This hackable analog synthesizer is the centerpiece of the Moog workshop. Moog have kindly offered to loan us 10 units for the day which we'll be able to hack on, learn a bit about how audio waveforms are produced, and alter the output by connecting your own circuits. Get ahead of the game by looking at some of the Moog tutorials.

    If you do not have a workshop ticket:

    Bring your own synthesizer along, or build one using your favorite microcontroller.

    If you're just getting started with embedded, grab an Arduino board and bring it with you. There are already numerous examples of how to make synths using the popular platform.

    Those who have more experience with embedded, we'd love to see you working on some homebrew chiptunes hardware!

    For those that already have Moog Workshop tickets:

    There will be a variety of hardware provided for you to prototype with on the day, here's a list of some of the things we will have available that have been kindly provided by the Moog workshop sponsor Mouser:

    Of course we'll also have a random selection of resistors, capacitors and other basic components like logic level shifters.

    In addition to the Moog itself we will have Teensy 3.1 boards on hand to interface with the synthesizer. This board can be programmed using the Teensyduino framework: We will also be providing a number of the Teensy Audio Adapters to make it easier for you to pull in and push out audio.

    We will also be providing some Arduino Uno's, along with the excellent Analog Shield from Digilent giving you 4 full 16bit ADC and DAC's controllable from your Arduino IDE. So you might want to checkout the library and demo code for that.

    Things you should bring

    We can't provide everything, while we're trying to get most things you'll need for the day, additional things you might want to bring with you include:

    • Headphones - we'll have a few, but bring your own, and 3.5mm to 1/4" adapters if you have them!
    • Midi CV controllers - we have no keyboards, so bring one if you want to get the most from your Moog.
    • Effects pedals - always useful if you want to make noise or act as controllers
    • Extra breadboards - we'll have small breadboards on hand, but if you have them bring your own
    • Any interesting audio devices or sensors you think you might need

    Examples of previous hacks

    There just aren't that many examples of interfacing a microcontroller with the Moog. Let's change that with this workshop. Start researching the Moog and any hacks you'd like to perform using the hardware. Here are some examples to get you started:

    Noise Generator:

    This one is demonstrated by the Moog crew themselves:

    Spoofing the keyboard:

    The Teensy 3.1 can be used to emulate key presses on the Moog allowing you to script the playback of notes so that both of your hands are then free to manipulate the waveforms during playback. [Peter Churchyard] published an example of this hack:

  • Workshop Details: Roboto

    Mike Szczys10/29/2014 at 21:17 3 comments

    You choose between a robot arm or a two-wheeled rover, then pair it up with a development board for a microcontroller that is new to you.

    The challenge is to connect the bot to the board and then write the firmware to accomplish a simple task. For the robot arm you'll need to pick up a small object and place it in a box. The rover uses an ultrasonic distance senor as its only input. Will you be able to navigate the maze using this crude level of sensing?

    Before you arrive:

    Both of these robots use servo motors. To succeed at these workshops you will need to use properly timed PWM signals to drive them.

    Make sure you hit the ground running on the day of the workshop. Before you arrive do as much research as you can about the boards listed below. Look for servo libraries or research implementing the servo timing yourself. At the very least, set up the toolchains on your computer so that you'll be ready to start coding as soon as you sit down.

    If you do not have a workshop ticket:

    It's okay, you can still come and have a fun time in several ways. First off, head over to the Hackaday Munich page and get an "All Day" ticket. Now here are your options:

    • Bring your laptop computer with you
    • We will have more development boards than there are robot bodies. Grab one and decide your own programming challenge. It would help to bring along your breadboard, jumper wires, and some LEDs (or other hardware to play around with). The GPIO levels for most of these boards is 3.3v
    • If you already have a wheeled robot or robot arm bring it along! You can write new code for the controller you already have, or connect one of these devboards

    For those that already have Robot Workshop tickets:

    Get those embedded programming chops ready, this is going to be a ton of fun! Pull out the laptop you plan to bring with you to the workshop and load up the toolchain you would like to use. This will save you a ton of time the day-of the event. Here are details on the development boards we have lined up so far:

    Texas Instruments Tiva C Launchpad

    TI has committed 20 of their Tiva C Launchpad boards which features the TM4C123GH6PM which is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 running up to 80MHz with 256 KB of flash and 32KB of SRAM. This chip includes hardware-PWM generators which will come in handy for these challenges.


    1. Product page:
    2. Development tools:
      1. Code Composer Studio is available for free (code-limited):
      2. Development using a Linux machine is possible.
        1. You will need to install an arm-none-eabi-xxx toolschain.
          1. We asked on Twitter about this and the pre-compiled toolchain maintained by Pebble (the smartwatch company) was suggested:
          2. It has been suggested the the arm-none-eabi-gcc package in the Ubuntu 14.04 repos is not up to day. You may consider trying this PPA:
        2. Install OpenOCD (to flash the binary to the board)
        3. A template for compiling your code is found here:
        4. Don't forget the TivaWare Package which includes header files and peripheral libraries:

    TI has also committed 20 SimpleLink WiFi Boosterpacks and 20 Sensor Hub BoosterPacks.

    Atmel SAM D20 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

    Atmel has committed 20 of their SAM D20 Xplained Pro evaluation kits. These feature a ATSAMD20J18 which is an ARM Cortex-M0+ running up to 48 Mhz with 256 KB of Flash and 32 KB of SRAM.


    1. Product page:
    2. Development Tools:
      1. Atmel Studio:
      2. Development using a Linux machine is possible:
        1. Guide:
          1. I used this PPA for the toolchain:
          2. There are some typos (remove the '4' in the...
    Read more »

View all 4 event logs

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 11/07/2014 at 19:50 point
If you are bringing a project to show at Hackaday Munich, let me know!

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Ferdinand Sedlmair wrote 11/03/2014 at 09:10 point
So "do what you want" on the general admission ticket doesn't mean attend any workshop you like? That's really disappointing, I even took a day off work for the workshops. I should read more carefully when amazed by something.

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 11/07/2014 at 19:17 point
Hey Ferdinand, if you can source your own hardware, you can still join in - see the links above for details of what you need for each workshop.

Even if that's not possible there will still be a lot to do. We'll have speakers, you can show off your projects and see other people's, and there is the party in the evening. It should still be a fun day. Hope to see you there.

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JC Brand wrote 10/22/2014 at 12:04 point
I see all the workshop tickets are "sold out". That's too bad because I'd love to do ANY of the workshops, but I only found out about this event today.

Is there any recourse for latecomers such as myself?

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Mike Szczys wrote 10/22/2014 at 14:03 point
Keep checking back on the tickets and the Hackaday Munich page. There are two possibilities; tickets may become available as plans change and someone cancels, or when we post details about the workshops (should be soon) you may find you already have your own hardware you can bring along in order to participate.

There is also a possibility that someone with a ticket won't show up, in which case another person on hand may take their place.

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JC Brand wrote 10/23/2014 at 14:15 point
Thanks, I signed up for the general admission in order to keep up to date.

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Toon wrote 10/22/2014 at 14:48 point
Yes having the same issue here. Maybe Hackaday could add some more workshops?

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Kojote wrote 10/16/2014 at 21:49 point
I'd love to do some Drone and/or Robot Hacking with a Spray Can and the gml format - like a DrawBot but with Graffiti .. anyone in for that? I have 3dPrinters, i have spraycans and i have enough Stepper Motors + Printrboards to make it happen

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0ff wrote 10/16/2014 at 18:55 point
So how are the different tickets meant to be booked - should I book the specific Workshop I'd like to attend even though I'm not exactly sure, or can I join a workshop even with the general admission ticket?

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Mike Szczys wrote 10/16/2014 at 21:48 point
The all day ticket is for just hanging out at the workshops and attending the talk and party that evening.

If there is a specific workshop that interests you, please get a ticket for that and a ticket for the party that evening.

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ben.phenoptix wrote 10/16/2014 at 09:50 point
That's a rather handsome little robot on the website! Ticket booked, now for the flights and then perhaps convince my wife...

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Kojote wrote 10/16/2014 at 13:55 point
That's the only correct order to do it :)

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