
From Dot to Excitement

A event log for Hackaday World Create Day at LearnOBots Labs

We will be doing a Hackathon to celebrate the World Create Day

kamalKamal 03/17/2018 at 17:290 Comments
As part of our multiple training sessions, kids learn and tinker with amazing technologies. Only this time they were much more jubilant as it was World Create Day. I am always amazed that the session starts with kids learning how to take the first step and suddenly they are in the driving seat and inspiring us with their creativity. 

One such gathering was for learning and playing with LED matrices. Kids got hands on hardware and learned how to turn on a single spot, half an hour later it was all 'come, have a look at my display'.  

11-year-old Daniyal's display is a must-see 

Some excited faces from the session  
