
Jac Goudsmit

I'm Dutch. What's your super power -- I mean excuse?

Rancho Cucamonga, California
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This user joined on 03/11/2014.

Things I've Built

Linksys NAS200 "JacX" Alternative Firmware

I downloaded the source tarball of the Linksys NAS-200 and made some improvements. I think this became the go-to alternative firmware for that device.


Digital Compact Cassette Frequently Asked Questions page The first web page I wrote, using Notepad, which taught me that web pages aren't my thing :-)

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dstaudacher wrote 04/21/2022 at 17:40 point

Hey Jac... I came across your comments on DCC on this website and wanted to update you on some history of DCC. Specifically the Tandy/Radio Shack Optimus DCT-2000. It was not designed by RCA. It was designed by myself and a team of 3 other S/W and H/W engineers, along with an Engr Mgr. I was the designer of the Control Processor PCB that plugged into the DCT-2000 Motherboard.

-Our DCC was the only one designed outside of Philips. We at Tandy chose to design our own Motherboard, Control PCB, Front Panel controller and Display PCB. We wrote our own Embedded S/W for both the Control PCB and the Front Panel processor. Then we integrated  the Philips DDSP board, Read/Write boards and Cassette mechanism. I was also the US representative engineer that worked with Philips (Eindhoven) and Marantz (Philips Japan) & Matsushita (became Panasonic Japan). You can check out my patent  5,414,859

I can respond some more a little later....Dan Staudacher

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Jac Goudsmit wrote 04/21/2022 at 18:59 point

Thank you for you comment, Dan! I understand that Ralf (Dr. DCC) recently did an interview with you and the DCC museum has received some "goodies" from you too. Looking forward to seeing them!

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Dusan Petrovic wrote 12/05/2018 at 14:06 point

Hello Jac, thank you for following my #Featured Projects list!

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Ed S wrote 12/26/2017 at 14:01 point

Thanks for following our #OPC-5 - a CPU for FPGA, in one page project!

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Samuel A. Falvo II wrote 12/21/2017 at 23:42 point

Thanks for following the Kestrel-2DX.  I suppose I should update the project page with something, eh?  LOL!

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Hari Wiguna wrote 11/10/2016 at 08:02 point

Jac, thanks for liking my Mega Sudoku!

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Michael A. Morris wrote 03/25/2016 at 17:36 point

Thanks for picking up my project on your list. I always look forward to your efforts here and elsewhere.

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RoGeorge wrote 06/16/2014 at 19:11 point
Thank you!

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