Quantity   Tool name
20 × Arduino UNO R3
3 × Arduino MEGA 2560
1 × Gravitech NANO32 IoT Development Board (ESP32) http://www.gravitech.us/naiotdebo4mb.html
1 × Teenage Engineering SUB PO-14 (Pocket Operator) https://teenage.engineering/_img/555debd8513d23030053dce3_original.pdf
1 × Arduino YUN
1 × relayr Wunderbar BLE App Developer Kit https://techcrunch.com/2014/01/17/wunderbar/
10 × Arduino NANO
15 × Arduino Pro Mini
1 × Intel Edison Kit with Compute Module and Base Board
1 × Intel Galileo gen 2 Development Kit
10 × NodeMCU ESP8266 (ESP-12e)
3 × NodeMCU ESP8266 Witty Module (ESP-12f)
1 × Raspberry Pi 3B+
2 × Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
1 × Naze32 Flip32 Flight Controller v2.6 Flight Controller hardware board
1 × Leap Motion Gesture Controller
1 × Raspberry Pi Zero W
1 × Oculus Rift DK2
1 × NeuroSky MindWave Wireless EEG Headset
1 × Microsoft Kinect for XBOX360
1 × Texas Instruments CC2650STK BLE SensorTag Development Kit http://www.ti.com/tool/CC2650STK
1 × Semtech LoRa 433MHz RF Module Development Kit
1 × Creality CR-10 FDM 3D Printer
1 × CNC Router 0.5m x 0.5m CNC machine based on Openbuilds CNC machine design, without C sections, using 2020 and 2040 slot extrusions