Quantity   Tool name
3 × Soldering Rod
1 × Soldering Station
1 × Drill Machine
1 × 3D Printer Print Area: 200mmx200mmx130mm. Filaments: PLA=Yellow and ABS=White
1 × Junk of Electronics, ICs and Components
3 × Arduino Uno Rev 3
2 × Raspberry Pi B, B+ and Pi 2
1 × Leap Motion
1 × Arduino Mega 2560 ADK
1 × Arduino Pro Mini
1 × Free WiFi :)
2 × ESP8266 ESP01, 03 and 07
2 × Node MCU Lua Boards
2 × HM10 - BLE
1 × nrf51822 BLE Module
1 × PSoC BLE Pioneer Kit