• Tommy Sinaga biography

    05/13/2017 at 20:07 0 comments


    Tommy Sinaga, whose full name is Tommy Jonathan Sinaga, is an actor and a computer programmer from Indonesia. Tommy had descent Batak from the father of the original people of Batak. The second son of the couple Rosmawaty Sitohang and SaudaraSinaga this has a brother named Kristian Andreas Sinaga or commonly called Kristian Sinaga (brother), Maria Yolanda Sinaga (sister) and Gabriel H Sinaga (sister). computer tricks founded as an Instructor in 2012 by Tommy and his classmates Frangky Ardian, currently a professor at the University of North Sumatra. In 2015, Tommy was chosen as Person of the Year by Time magazine. Tommy was raised as a Protestant, and underwent Hacking tricks when at the age of 13 years, although this time he established himself as an atheist. He DATING (her boyfriend's name is Natalina Windasari Hutahaean) with three companions: Alvredo Panggabean, Elsa Ria Tambunan and Martha Florence Ambarita. Girlfriend, Natalina Windasari Hutahaean, lecture in September 2016 Balimbingan. Tommy had previously written a song andra de backbone titled Sempurna took place on January 6, 2016.

  • How I Should Be Preparing To Become a Professional Hacker

    05/13/2017 at 17:50 0 comments

    Must often hear the word "hacker" right? A lot of people in this world who aspire to become professional hackers. But, before we learn how to become a hacker, we better understand first what is a hacker and whether hackers can only damage?

    Many people, especially the layman, must think hackers are just bad guys who like to damage the system and steal data of others. Though the reality is not like that. Actually those who like to ruin is a cracker. Let's look at reviews of hackers and crackers for more details.

    The Way You Should Be Preparing to Become a Professional Hacker

    Black Hat
    or often also referred to as a cracker is a type of hacker who uses

    their IT skills just to damage the system and steal other people's data

    for personal satisfaction. Meanwhile, White Hat is the opposite of Black Hat. This White Hat hacker uses their IT skills for truth and provides useful knowledge for us to learn.

    Well, already know about the definition of hackers and crackers right? Interested in becoming a professional hacker? Then I'll tell you how to be a professional hacker.

    • Program LanguageThe first thing to learn to become a professional hacker is to understand programming languages. There are many programming languages to follow if you really want to be a professional hacker, such as PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and others.

      You need to understand the language of the program, from its code structure to those code functions. To learn this, it helps you diligently to read various refrensi, especially on the internet a lot of sites that provide free lessons about the program language.
    • Software When the language of the program has been mastered, then the next is the software. In order to be able to find loopholes and provide solutions to problems that often arise, the role of software is very important.

      In addition to various purposes, there are also software that is free and paid. You can learn from the free first to get started.
    • Networking In Computer SystemsIn addition to programming languages and software, you should also understand about the network in computer systems. It is very useful to find a gap. There are many different kinds of protocols you should learn, including IP / TCP, FTPs, HTTPS, and more.
    • Learn From The Basics First
      If you are good enough, use to do good and not to harm others or yourself. Everyone can be a hacker if you already have a strong intention, consistent, and not easily give up. Keep in mind, hackers are not bad people and not a profession to style-style. There are many noble goals that can be achieved if you can become a professional hacker.
      If you are good enough, use to do good and not to harm others or yourself. Everyone can be a hacker if you already have a strong intention, consistent, and not easily give up. Keep in mind, hackers are not bad people and not a profession to style-style. There are many noble goals that can be achieved if you can become a professional hacker.

      Self-taught self-taught or without mentors is too difficult if we are not accompanied by a strong intention. So, to become a Professional Hacker failed. To add to the semagat, you can watch movies about hackers. There are so many movies that tell about hackers like Who Am I, I'm Robot, Hacker, Cybergeddon, and many more.
    • Well, that's tips on how to be a professional hacker that I need to apply. Do you know any other tips? Please share in the comment field yes!

  • API wrapper for hack.chat using ws package

    05/13/2017 at 17:37 0 comments

    API wrapper for hack.chat using ws package - Hack Chat of https://www.npmjs.com


    var HackChat = require("hack-chat");

    var chat = new HackChat(); // Client group for multiple channels

    chat.join("lobby", "TestUser");

    var programmingSession = chat.join("programming", "TestUser");

    chat.on("onlineSet", function(session, users) {

    // Each event from a group contains a session argument as first argument

    console.log("Users online in ?" + session.channel + ": " + users.join(", "));


    chat.on("chat", function(session, nick, text) {

    console.log(nick + "@" + session.channel + ": " + text);

    if (session.channel != "programming") {

    programmingSession.sendMessage("Quote from ?" + session.channel + ": " + text);



    HackChat.Session methods

    new(channel: string, username: string, password?: string, options?: any = { server: "wss://hack.chat/chat-ws"; })

    Description: Constructs a new chat session and directly connects to it


    var session = new HackChat.Session("programming", "My_Username", "password123", { server: "wss://custom-server.com/chat-ws" });

    sendRaw(json: any)

    Description: Sends a raw JSON packet


    session.sendRaw({ cmd: "ping" });

    sendMessage(message: string)

    Description: Sends a chat message


    session.sendMessage("Hi everybody");

    invite(user: string)

    Description: Invites a user to a random channel


    session.on("invited", function(nick, channel, time) {

    var invitedSession = chat.join(channel, "My_Username", "password123");

    invitedSession.once("onlineAdd", function(nick, time)


    invitedSession.sendMessage("Hi, " + nick);





    Description: Sends a ping packet. Can be used to check IP limit.


    Description: Disconnects from the server, making this unusable

    HackChat.Session events

    All HackChat events are the same as the HackChat.Session events with the exception that the session where it got emitted from is the first argument


    Description: Emitted when sending the join request.

    Arguments: None


    Description: Emitted when disconnected from WebSocket.

    Arguments: None


    Description: Emitted when someone sends a regular message.


    • nick (String)
    • text (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)
    • isAdmin (Boolean)
    • trip (String) - Hash from password


    Description: Emitted when some unhandled info event passes through.


    • text (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when any info event occurs. Will also trigger if it gets handled.


    • text (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when some unhandled warn event passes through.


    • text (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when any warn event occurs. Will also trigger if it gets handled.


    • text (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when server is sending IP ratelimit warning. Will cancel regular warn event.


    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when admin is banning the user. Will cancel regular warn event.


    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when nickname trying to join with is invalid ("!", "$", "?", etc.) Will cancel regular warn event.


    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when nickname trying to join with is already taken. Will cancel regular warn event.


    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when WebSocket successfully invited someone. Will cancel regular info event.


    • nick (String)
    • channel (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when someone invited WebSocket. Will cancel regular info event.


    • nick (String)
    • channel (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when successfully joined. Will contain an array of users.


    • nicks (String[])
    • time (Number, Unix Time)


    Description: Emitted when someone joins the channel.


    • nick (String)
    • time (Number, Unix Time)



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