
Circuit - Electronic Counting Circuits (Mullard) pg50

gschmidt958gschmidt958 wrote 04/10/2022 at 02:49 • 2 min read • Like

This circuit looked nice and simple and I was hoping it would work.

But unfortunately when I simulate it, it does nothing.  Note: in all non-working circuits, I try to vary the values of the components slightly to make them "non-ideal" in the hopes of making the simulation happy, but it never works.

$ 1 0.000005 10.20027730826997 50 5 50 5e-11
t 304 288 288 288 0 -1 11.999999634049626 -3.50220302536286e-7 100 default
t 288 352 320 352 0 1 -11.999999634049626 -0.017941986302412765 100 default
w 288 304 288 352 0
w 304 288 320 288 0
w 320 288 320 336 0
r 288 272 288 208 0 1000
r 320 288 320 208 0 10000
r 288 352 288 576 0 100
162 320 368 320 448 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
r 320 448 320 544 0 100
c 320 448 528 368 0 1e-8 -0.000010990543284541271 0
R 112 560 80 560 1 2 100 3 3 0 0.5
t 144 560 176 560 0 1 0.5791278815406252 0.5970561342582993 100 default
r 112 560 144 560 0 10000
g 176 576 176 640 0 0
c 528 448 736 368 0 1e-8 -0.000010990548536399247 0
r 528 448 528 544 0 100
162 528 368 528 448 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
r 496 352 496 560 0 100
r 528 288 528 208 0 10000
r 496 272 496 208 0 1000
w 528 288 528 336 0
w 512 288 528 288 0
w 496 304 496 352 0
t 496 352 528 352 0 1 -11.999999634049546 -0.01793924083428508 100 default
t 512 288 496 288 0 -1 11.999999634049546 -3.5022038247234377e-7 100 default
c 736 448 864 384 0 8e-9 -0.000013736011924496416 0
r 736 448 736 544 0 100
162 736 368 736 448 2 default-led 1 0 0 0.01
r 704 352 704 576 0 100
r 736 288 736 208 0 10000
r 704 272 704 208 0 1000
w 736 288 736 336 0
w 720 288 736 288 0
w 704 304 704 352 0
t 704 352 736 352 0 1 -11.999999634049546 -0.01793924083928702 100 default
t 720 288 704 288 0 -1 11.999999634049546 -3.5022038247234377e-7 100 default
w 736 208 704 208 0
w 704 208 528 208 0
w 528 208 496 208 0
w 496 208 320 208 0
w 320 208 288 208 0
w 288 208 176 208 0
v 176 272 176 208 0 0 40 12 0 0 0.5
g 176 272 176 304 0 0
w 864 384 864 128 0
w 864 128 240 128 0
w 240 128 240 368 0
w 240 368 320 368 0
w 176 544 320 544 0
w 320 544 528 544 0
w 528 544 736 544 0
w 176 576 288 576 0
w 288 576 496 576 0
w 496 560 496 576 0
w 496 576 704 576 0
