
A short experiment with a DTL ring oscillator

ken-yapKen Yap wrote 11/20/2022 at 10:28 • 2 min read • Like

Following #Ring Oscillators: Fairchild DTL 949 I decided to see if I could make some use of a handful of DTµL 846 quad 2-input NAND chips I have, since it's very easy to wire up a ring oscillator. 3 gates form the oscillator and the fourth buffers the output. I do not have a scope of sufficient bandwidth to measure to 10 MHz so I sent the output to a 74LS393 as a divide by 256 counter. So to get the original frequency, multiply by 256.

The DTL chip was mounted on a repurposed precision IC socket, slightly damaged by a soldering iron. This avoids any stray capacitance from breadboards, but allows different chips to be plugged in. Here are the results of the few good chips I have (the others in my pile had one faulty gate):

The frequency stability is not great, it fluctuates in the short term. In the medium term I noticed it sped up a bit after "warming up". But it's pretty certain that it will not exceed 10 MHz.

So what to do with these oscillators? Where can I use them that doesn't require the accuracy and stability of crystals, which I'm not short of? Perhaps where I don't want the added components for a crystal oscillator. But even ancient MCUs have built-in gates for crystals, requiring only a couple of load capacitors. Modern MCUs even have a builtin RC oscillator mode which is good enough when timing isn't critical. Maybe some kind of coarse timing circuit? But the divisor would be large, so might as well use a MCU again. I'll put that question in the back of my head while I move on to other projects.

Out of interest I tried a 74LS00 chip (which has the same pinout) in the harness and I got 133 kHz -> 34 MHz.



Dana Myers wrote 11/20/2022 at 15:30 point

Your results (~9.x MHz) sound great, about what I'd expect, also the 74LS00. For grins, try a 74AHC00 sometime.

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