
Open Source Hardware Month

oshparkoshpark wrote 05/26/2016 at 09:08 • 2 min read • Like

Alicia Gibb, executive director of the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA), announced today that the month of October this year will be Open Source Hardware Month:

Coming soon! First ever certification for open hardware

Open Source Hardware Month will host three significant events in an effort to bring greater clarity to theopen source hardware definition, invite more people to contribute to the movement, and provide education about how to publish a project or product as open source hardware. These events include the Open Hardware Summit, an open source hardware certification, and a series of documentation days.

The Open Hardware Summit in Portland, Oregon will be on October 7, 2016. Tickets are for sale, and there is still time to be a speaker or a sponsor.


OSHWA will launch the Open Source Hardware certification at the Summit:

Users will self-certify compliance in order to use the certification logos. Self-certification will give creators the right to use the OSHWA open source hardware certification logo. As part of the self-certification process, creators will agree to subject themselves to penalties for non-compliance. OSHWA will be responsible for enforcing those penalties.
