
ESP8285 Dev Board

oshparkoshpark wrote 07/18/2016 at 18:53 • 2 min read • Like

Kris Winer writes on about his new design:

ESP8285 Development Board

This is a small development board for the ESP8285 (ESP8266 plus 1 Mbyte embedded SPI flash memory) which includes an FTDIFT230X USB-to-serial converter so Arduino programs can be flashed via the USB Micro-B connector. The board has a MAX1555LiPo battery charger, a 3.3 V MIC5528 LDO supplying 500 mA for plenty of power, has reset and boot buttons for easy programming, has a blue led on GPIO15, green led for power on, red led for charging indication, and yellow and orange leds for RX/TX.

Available for $24.95 on Tindie.

PeskyProducts has shared the board on OSH Park:



Order from OSH Park



Craig Hissett wrote 08/16/2016 at 11:22 point

This is bloody marvellous!

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