Looking for general advice on GPS + GSM mobile device

krey-c wrote 12/23/2016 at 18:55 0 points

 Hi everyone,

I am looking for help with my first arduino project.

What I am trying to build:

 A small (!) board that is in a low power mode unless being woken up by a sensor signal. Then, a GPS module (maybe this one https://www.adafruit.com/products/790) is acessed until position coordinates are obtained. These coordinates are then sent via GSM module (maybe this or even something smaller https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoGSMShield) / and a SIM card to my phone. So overall a GPS beacon (to be able to retreive a device in case of malfunction)

I don't expect help with the programming itself, but I would really appreciate any advice on which arduino board and components to go for and any further remarks on this project's feasability and difficulties I might run into. Key selection criteria are small size in 2 of 3 dimensions (can be lengthy) and low power consumption (of course GPS positioning and connecting to the GSM network will take it's toll, but I'm thinking of a low clock sleeping mode inbetween tasks).

I already have some basic experience with programming (mainly C++) and pretty good knowledge of electronics in general. Thank's in advance for any kind of help.

