
How I Should Be Preparing To Become a Professional Hacker

mrip-0neMr.ip-0ne wrote 05/13/2017 at 17:50 • 4 min read • Like

Must often hear the word "hacker" right? A lot of people in this world who aspire to become professional hackers. But, before we learn how to become a hacker, we better understand first what is a hacker and whether hackers can only damage?

Many people, especially the layman, must think hackers are just bad guys who like to damage the system and steal data of others. Though the reality is not like that. Actually those who like to ruin is a cracker. Let's look at reviews of hackers and crackers for more details.

The Way You Should Be Preparing to Become a Professional Hacker

Black Hat
or often also referred to as a cracker is a type of hacker who uses

their IT skills just to damage the system and steal other people's data

for personal satisfaction. Meanwhile, White Hat is the opposite of Black Hat. This White Hat hacker uses their IT skills for truth and provides useful knowledge for us to learn.

Well, already know about the definition of hackers and crackers right? Interested in becoming a professional hacker? Then I'll tell you how to be a professional hacker.

