
KiCad footprint for Nokia 5110 LCD

oshparkoshpark wrote 06/30/2017 at 18:08 • 2 min read • Like

@Sven Gregori created a KiCad component and footprint for the Nokia 5110 LCD and created this breakout board to test it:8695331498520943537

Yet another Nokia 5110 LCD breakout board

I just shamelessly measured all there was to measure and created my own KiCad PCB footprint, along with a schematic component.

Once done, I needed a way to verify it would actually work and fit the LCD, so despite how pointless it is, I created my own breakout board as proof of concept and ordered it from OSH Park.


The Nokia 5110/3310 LCD component and footprint are available on GitHub


sgreg has shared the breakout board on OSH Park:

Nokia 5110 LCD Breakout Board Rev.A


Order from OSH Park

