A meeting of Hardware Happy Hour (3H) Chicago / Crowd Supply Launch party for Evezor (https://www.crowdsupply.com/evezor-inc/tobor-robotics-and-automation-platform) is Thursday, January 23rd @7pm
Thursday, January 23rd @7pm

Pumping Station One
3519 Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618
Thursday, January 23rd @7pm
Find out more at the meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/hardware-happy-hour-3h-chicago/events/305634506/
The event is open to the public and will include socializing, some snacks and beverages, robot bartender, room to show off your projects, and a chance to win a free robot arm! We hope to see any of you who are near the Chicago area there!
> This group is based upon the idea that you are interested in hanging out and discussing hardware. So we’re having our first meetup! Please bring a piece of hardware to show off or talk about. Are you interested in hardware, but you haven’t built anything yet? Show off software you have built! Or come prepared to talk about the projects you want to...
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