
Projects i´ve done

sergio-garcaSergio García wrote 04/05/2018 at 04:15 • 2 min read • Like

Hello world, On this post i will show you two projects i made with my friends in highschool

The first one, was for a physics contest in the school

Its an hydraulic robot that can lift cardboard boxes, light things like paper cups etc, we had fun making it.

The second one, heck, im gonna write this on spanish ok

Es un motor de c.c. hecho de basura de mi jardín, con el ganamos el concurso de la prepa, después el concurso estatal y fuimos al nacional

Después entramos a otros dos concursos, un conacyt y la feria nacional de ciencias e ingenierías donde tuvimos un segundo lugar (en la primera etapa u_u) y ya

blueprints. No le busques sentido a los garabatos, no sabia que onda tenia 15

I also made a 3D model explaining how it works, to use in the display as a support

go to 3:20, it's the best part of the animation 

