
Mos Regis

morningstarMorning.Star wrote 08/22/2018 at 05:34 • 1 min read • Like
Walking back from town today I encountered this epic dude. Now I live in the south UK, so there arent many droids around. Its a bit of a backwater.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..
. XD

In fact, its such an unlikely location it totally threw me, and it was only later it dawned on me he must have been loitering with the intent of meeting yours truly.

I'm glad I spared you the cliches then :-)

I hope you didnt travel too far for a handshake too my friend. I was on my way to see my Bea or I'd have gladly strolled through town for a pint with a real trooper. I want to know how you did those mouldings dude, they are truly outstanding.

JM-160695, whoever you are, that was an honour. May we meet again...
