
I'm getting rid of a pile of random crap. Interested?

zakqwyzakqwy wrote 03/07/2019 at 21:33 • 5 min read • Like

update: this truckload of treasure was Craigslisted onto a stoked local person and his father, both of whom were excited for the possibilities. Consider giving away your old stuff, you might make someone happy.

Danica and I are preparing to move east to pursue new and interesting opportunities. As part of this transition, we're doing a good bit of downsizing. I've decided to rid myself of a lot of the random electronics (and electronics-adjacent) junk I've collected over the last few years. Some of this isn't worth much, but you may find some useful gems and I'm not interested in splitting the lot up at this point. If you are interested, live in the US, and are willing to cover postage, I will send it to you for free.

I'm still figuring out exactly what the box will contain, but at a minimum:

My guess is the box will weigh in the 20-30 kg range, so UPS thinks it will cost around $100 to ship. If you're interested, write me a note: zachary dot fredin at gmail dot com. Otherwise, most of this will become e-waste by late May.



River Kitti Katt wrote 04/10/2019 at 13:45 point

i cant believe no one has commented yet. Hell yes dude. I specifically take interest in repurposing materials and electronics that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Everything you've listed sounds like gold compared to the old appliances or roadside treasures lol.

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zakqwy wrote 04/10/2019 at 14:24 point

thanks! unfortunately this is already claimed (see update, above). hopefully this post encourages others to do the same, so keep your eyes peeled.

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