
KCP53000 CPU Is Now FPGA Proven!

A project log for Kestrel Computer Project

The Kestrel project is all about freedom of computing and the freedom of learning using a completely open hardware and software design.

samuel-a-falvo-iiSamuel A. Falvo II 12/21/2016 at 03:371 Comment

I'm happy to report that I got the KCP53000 CPU and GPIA combination to actually blink an LED on the Nexys-2 FPGA development board!

The CPU is clocked at 25MHz; when executing the following sequence of instructions:

ledblnk:        srli    x3, x1, 24    ; 5 cycles
                sh      x3, 2(x2)     ; 5 cycles
                addi    x1, x1, 1     ; 5 cycles
                jal     x0, ledblnk   ; 5 cycles

in a loop 16,777,216 times, wall-clock measurements seems to suggest that the CPU is executing 4.8 MIPS. After adding up anticipated cycle counts for each of these instructions, I discovered (by doing the math in reverse) that the CPU should have been clocked at 23.9MHz (and some change). This represents an error of 4.4%; so, I'm going to say that the actual performance is probably closer to 5.0 MIPS in reality. Until I can get a console working, and actually read out the mtime and minstret CSRs, I can't be sure.

The KCP53000 talks to a KCP53001 arbiter to unify the two Furcula buses into a single memory bus, which then feeds into a KCP53003 64-bit-to-16-bit Furcula bridge, and then into a KCP53002 Wishbone bridge. From there, we access Kestrel-2 peripherals GPIA and an inferred ROM (presumably using block RAM resources).

It is regrettable that CPU performance will be cut in half when I access external RAM, due to its 70ns access time. However, this was to be expected; refining the CPU so that it overlaps instruction fetch and execution will go a long way towards recovering that lost performance later on. But, first, I need to focus on getting a functioning computer design. This is a big first step in that direction.


JL9791 wrote 12/21/2016 at 19:52 point

Oh, cool.  Good job!  Glad to see you are still making progress.

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