
Cash strapped developments

A project log for RpiFPV

Wifi or 4g FPV with the Raspberry pi and the camera board

richardginusrichardginus 11/26/2014 at 17:550 Comments

Update: Added a second channel. The bandwith used is 3.85 KiB/s

Looking for UHF/LRS (long range) RC systems i realized i could not at the moment pay for them. Since my interference troubles keep me from aerial testing i went with the only solution left: building WiFi based RC control.

Think of it as reverse telemetry ;-) First test went okay. I can update the servo 30 times per second and get a natural feel to it. The bandwidth is 3.85 KiB/s for two channels. The software will land in the github repo when it is capable of 4 channels, expo and trim.

