
The specification

A project log for RpiFPV

Wifi or 4g FPV with the Raspberry pi and the camera board

richardginusrichardginus 07/12/2014 at 08:010 Comments

The hardware specification will be as follows:

- Raspberry Pi camera module

- Raspberry Pi (either model A or A will work)

- High power USB WiFi dongle

- Another USB WiFi dongle

- Laptop

USB WiFi dongle

This will need to have some special features and/or mods.

To prevent interference and to allow more bandwidth the dongle should support the 5Ghz range. Normal RC control systems use the 2.4Ghz range and thus would interfere with the WiFi signal, or worse, the other way around.

Range will be our biggest problem with WiFi. To get better range, better antenna's are a must. The dongle should be able to accept a better antenna or should be modified to accept one.

The output power is another factor in range. Although twice the power doesn't mean twice the range it does help to a certain point. For WiFi it wont make sense to go above 1000 milliwatts.


The laptop will be running linux for now to get good support for the gstreamer libraries. We wont be using the internal WiFi radio for reasons stated above.

The software specification will be as follows:

- H264 video @ 1280x720 30 frames per second

- encoded using raspivid

- RTSP stream over UDP with gstreamer1.0

- Viewed with gstreamer1.0

To be continued...
