
The Field Testing Unit

A project log for RpiFPV

Wifi or 4g FPV with the Raspberry pi and the camera board

richardginusrichardginus 08/13/2014 at 10:143 Comments

This is the field testing unit. It has currently reached a range of 170 meters (560 feet) with 50% signal left. Latency jumps between 100 and 200 milliseconds. Resolution is 720P There is lots to do to improve this setup!


TarasUk wrote 08/31/2014 at 05:31 point
You should try using different antenna for your copter and ground station. Bluebeam Ultra pair would be your first choice, it should increase the range several times and also bring the lost packages due to noise and interference way down. Further improvements would be using even better antenna on the ground (see descriptions here:

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richardginus wrote 11/25/2014 at 15:10 point
Thanks! Sorry for the late response. Apperantly i don't get notifications on comments on project logs.

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richardginus wrote 12/11/2014 at 21:23 point
I bought a pair of circular polarized antennas!

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